Friday, July 30, 2010

Radio Feuds

There have been some inquiries into an alleged Jones vs. Rivero feud, as well as conflicts that have arisen between Alex Jones and other alt/talk radio hosts in the not too distant past.

Other than the announcement posted on Mike Rivero's website and the terse comments from John Stadtmiller on his show Tuesday, there is little available about what's going on with Mike beyond the speculations and suspicions of fans.

There was and is little that I know definitively about any of these affairs. Most of what has been written and said on-air by the primary parties involved could potentially be dismissed as self-serving mendaciousness. Commentary by parties once or more removed might be dismissed at best as hearsay, at worst willful fiction meant to support "their horse in the race."

I have devoted some time in the past two days to an attempt to gather some information that might be worth posting and I have not yet found much.

I did come across what appears to the the text of an email written by Jeff Rense to a fan, detailing some of skirmishes with Alex Jones. It was posted to TheDailyPaul, a discussion forum for Ron Paul fans and the like. The URL is, but is unfortunately unreachable now, as I write this. Google's webcache, however, has available this version of the page.

The Rense vs. Jones feud seems ideologically based, with [as is alleged with Jones and Rivero] Rense being assertively anti-Zionist, and viewing Jones as an apologist ["shill"] for the Zionists.

Jack Blood is an Austin, Texas-based radio host who some years ago was a close associate of Alex Jones, even to the point of occasionally guest-hosting for him. On February 24th of this year on his own show, Deadline Live, Jack spent the bulk of two hours detailing his rocky relationship with Alex Jones. I was a regular listener of his show at that time and heard it all the day it aired. It was visceral stuff.

A 32K bitrate recording of that show [with commercials] is still available at the American Freedom Radio archive: Jack has very recently moved from American Freedom Radio to Rense Radio. He explains the reasons for that move in a video shot in his home [note, the first couple of minutes are a virtual commercial for EnerFoods]:

I think it's safe to say that Jack's feud with Alex had more to do with personalities than with ideology, but not exclusively so.

That's really all I have toward which to point you at this time. If anyone knows of material available related to these conflicts that is not all heat and no light, please let us hear from you.


CanadianMalcontent said...

Seems to me Alex Jones is the problem...Rense, Rivero, Blood and who is next?

Rense, Rivero and Blood are 3 of the 5-6 I never miss. I still listen to Jones but I doubt for much longer.

Alex Jones the last year I think has 'lost it'..

999SilverDog said...

With my personal experiences, I have a feeling AJ has been taking on too much workload and pressure. I know how people can change dramatically with too much stress. I hope they can all reconnect again one day, they were ALL far stronger together.


kpolsson said...

I just finished listening to the Jack Blood show of Feb 24. Thanks for the link. Wow. I've seen a few cases myself where Alex said something, then I looked it up and it wasn't 100% true, or he quoted some source who wasn't being 100% true about the "headline" issue.

When Jack Blood said "what comes from Alex Jones Corp is not honest, he is not an honest broker" it reminded me of what Bill Cooper said Sep 27 2001: "Alex Jones is a cowardly liar, sensationalist, rumor-monger".

A few more notes from Jack Blood:
- bought into the Alex Jones machine, wanted to believe it, wanted to believe that everything that Alex Jones said was good, and that his motives were pure
- was in the Alex Jones office watching truckloads of videos going out the back door, not Alex's videos, other peoples' videos; watched how employees would call up and buy videos for next to nothing
- one time there was a special where you would get an Alex Jones signed copy of a video, and they ran out; watched as employees signed Alex's name; that is not a person of integrity
- you watch the spin, the headlines, the jumping to conclusions, the backtracking on predictions, it's all about Alex
- Alex Jones is dangerous to freedom, dangerous to any cohesive movement, dangerous to anything that doesn't exalt him as the king

Sebaygo has it right with the line he puts in his torrents:
"Think for yourself! To paraphrase the late William Cooper:
Read everything, listen to everything, but believe nothing
until you've researched it yourself."

Anonymous said...

Just found this @

As of the end of August I will be leaving GCN to do my show over at Republic Broadcasting. My first day at Republic will be Monday August 23rd, followed by a week of doing both shows, with my last day at GCN Friday August 27th. The Saturday show is still up in the air at this time.
My show will air earlier in the day on Republic, running from 2PM to 4PM Central Time. As usual, podcasts will be available.

sebaygo1 said...

@gedude, Yes, I blogged that Wednesday

@kpolsson, the way Alex tends to play fast and loose with facts/details [sometimes small things, sometimes not] has troubled me for some time. I would be so extremely happy if he would -- even for just one week -- put out "show notes" after each broadcast [No Agenda style] with links to the news stories he covers and documentation for his various claims.

kpolsson said...

The only problem (for Alex) with your wish for Alex to put out notes with links, is that some of the links are the problem, and this would work against him. In particular, when the full-body scanner issue was reported, he referred to a site (in Germany I believe) that showed a clothed and naked woman, supposedly from the scanner. The "scanned" image appeared grayscale, but when inverted in an image editor, appeared close to fleshtones. I even verified this myself. Several people on the site pointed out that that this was a "stock image" from a particular site. Someone even called the AJ show and mentioned this, but AJ quickly brushed it off.

There haven been a few cases like this that I have seen. I *want* to think AJ is genuinely mistaken, or that someone on his staff is, but it's not looking good when other people (like Jack Blood) are adding in their inside knowledge. Spin, misrepresentation, extrapolation, jumping to conclusions, this all seems to be the name of the game. It is definately based on real reports, I just wish Alex would leave it at that, without sensationalizing everything, stating things as proven when they're not.

Anonymous said...

'@gedude, Yes, I blogged that Wednesday'

I'm a little slow, sorry didn't see it. Anyway makes you wonder why Bermas left? I sure miss the Infowarrior!