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no considerable relief effort is being made for those who chose to wait out the storm. Whether you agree with the decision to stay or not, this means tens of thousands of people now in an area with no real access to food, drinkable water, heat, etc.
Storm Sandy: Anger as fuel shortages hamper recovery
Fuel shortages and difficulties in restoring power are hampering efforts to restore normality to parts of the US north-east in the wake of Storm Sandy.
Fights broke out at petrol stations in New York and New Jersey, and power suppliers warned some areas might not have electricity until 11 November.
Anger is also rising in New York's Staten Island, with some residents saying they had been forgotten.
Judge Napolitano: More Than 100 Complaints of Price Gouging in New Jersey After Hurricane Sandy
Despair sets in for some Coney Island residents as living conditions deteriorate rapidly in Sandy's wake
"We have no food or water. Why isn't anyone helping us," asked tenant Aeising Cancel.
FBI adds `preppers' to potential terrorists list
"An FBI Denver Joint Terrorism Task Force handout being distributed to Colorado military surplus store owners lists the purchase of popular preparedness items and firearms accessories as `suspicious' and `potential indicators of terrorist activities."
How to identify a Prepper: They are the ones NOT having to eat out of trash dumpsters in New York right now.
This is no way to get us up & running
As hundreds of thousands of Big Apple residents suffer in homes left without power by Hurricane Sandy, two massive generators are being run 24/7 in Central Park -- to juice a media tent for Sunday's New York City Marathon.
Without Electricity, New Yorkers on Food Stamps Can't Pay for Food
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