On today's show, Alex welcomes back Bev Harris of Black Box Voting who breaks down cases of vote fraud during the 2012 election.
My commentary -- Another show = more long segments devoted to getting Obama supporters to call in. Alex has been doing this with every live show starting -- I think -- the day after the election. I don't understand this waste of time. A number of the callers are actually Alex-supporters pretending to be "Obama bots," but who often eventually confess, "I really love you, Alex!" For the genuine callers, Jones keeps them muted while he goes on and on, baiting them, trying to antagonize them so they'll be angry when the finally get to be on the air... there will be a few exchanges, then he'll mute the caller again and trash-talk them before hanging up on them (if the caller has not done so already).
It's just so unneeded. There's no secret insights to be gained from getting an opposition supporter on to just argue. It is nothing more than manufacturing acrimony. Mr. Jones, if you have important information that you want to disseminate, then do it, and skip these junior-high theatrics.
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Hello Sebaygo-
Thanks for the grest coverage on Info Wars moneybomb and election night. Great work.
Just wonderintg- Have you given up on the Mike Rivero show?
Alex Jones would be a lot better off just doing one show a week. The daily nature of the show forces him to consume airtime with nonsense of the sort you mentioned. I appreciate that his heart is in the right place when it comes to government, but even those with whom we wholeheartedly agree can sometimes conduct themselves in ways which seem to even the most patient of observers to be senseless filler. Thanks again for posting so consistently.
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