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"show notes" on RBN from
Black Friday kicks off $5 billion retail drain out of Canada as shoppers head south,
Alan Hart : A defeat for Israel...?,
Israeli Press Declares Victory for Hamas,
Gaza Crisis Poses Threat to Faction Favored by U.S.,
Israel-Gaza Ceasefire Comes with Pledge from Obama to Seek More Defense Aid for Israel,
RT Reports, "IDF soldiers kill 1 Palestinian, wound 19 others at Gaza-Israel border 2 days after ceasefire",
Israeli forces detain MPs around West Bank,
FM: Israel will eventually need to overthrow Hamas,
Regurgitating Israeli talking points, Amanpour lectures Meshal that `int'l agreements' bar right of return,
Russia Sending Warships To Gaza,
Oh oh, they are Wagging the Nazis again, which means Israel is about to do something really stupid,
Israel Has Turned Propaganda Into a Game, And It's Pretty Gross,
EI exclusive: a pro-Israel group's plan to rewrite history on Wikipedia,
Administration declines to condemn Turkey calling Israel a `terrorist state',
Stephen Harper supports Israel's crimes against humanity,
Senate threatens to cut aid to Palestinians over statehood bid at UN,
Iran angered after France's Fabius blames Tehran for Gaza conflict,
US embassy in Indonesia heavily guarded as hundreds of Muslims hold anti-Israel protest,
Investment Falls Off a Cliff,
Best Buy Going To Single Digits; Don't Trust Management Projections,
and Panasonic cut to junk status by Fitch,
Real salaries shrinking by 1% a year: pay rising at slowest rate in two years and well below the rate of inflation,
Sandy-Ravaged New Jersey Families Face $6,933 Tax Hike in Fiscal Cliff Stalemate,
Detroit mayor announces furloughs to avoid bankruptcy,
Payday loan firms caught threatening customers, grabbing cash without permission and rolling over debts 12 times,
German Calls for Gold Repatriation Intensify As Fed Refuses to Allow Inspection,
EU budget: Summit ends without agreement, UK says,
EU summit: budget talks collapse as David Cameron says ' non' to Brussels,
Greek Rescue Deal Falters on Loan Rate Cut: Official,
Diseased Greek economy buckling under highest prices in Europe,
Garbage Piles Up in Spain as Unpaid Municipal Bills Mount; Green Shoot of the Day: Cement Consumption Falls 34%,
The Divided States of America - Secessionist Movements Within America Pick Up Steam,
Navy fires two more commanders,
No US sailor saw Bin Laden's alleged burial,
Russian weapons designer shot dead in contract-style killing,
Biometric Gunshot Surveillance Net Will I.D. Shooters in Real-Time Across America,
US school tag tracker project prompts court row,
GMO Establishment Launches Disinfo Campaign Targeting Organic Food,
Organic Consumers Association Statement On California Prop 37 Uncounted Votes,
Homeland Security Has Spent $430 Million on Radios Its Employees Don't Know How to Use.
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