From the Infowars web site :: On the Monday, November 19 edition of the Alex Show, Alex inaugurates TSA "Opt Out Week" by covering ongoing abuses by the federal agency as the holiday season approaches.
Alex also talks about Gaza descending into bedlam as the prospect of world war once again arises. On today’s worldwide broadcast, Alex talks with constitutional lawyer and the former associate deputy attorney general in the Reagan administration, Bruce Fein, and also retired CIA officer turned activist and journalist Ray McGovern about war in the Middle East and Israel's latest actions in Gaza.
Alex talks with Prison Planet.com editor and journalist Paul Joseph Watson about "Opt Out Week."
As seems to be the rule now, when Alex has a sponsor or a business partner on as a guest, they are not mentioned in the official show description. Today for 45 minutes of hour three and the entirety of a full fourth hour, Alex talks with Joel Wallach -- veterinarian, naturopath and founder of Youngevity (the products Alex sells at InfowarsTeam.com).
An hour after the end of the broadcast the podcast file for the 4th hour is not available from GCN. I will post it on the blog once it is available. You're not missing much; it's basically a one hour commercial for Youngevity.
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