Alex also takes a look at startling polls that reveal many Americans passively accept TSA grope-downs with sheep-like resignation and the prospect of wearing electric shock bracelets in order to fly.
Alex talks with Rep. Ron Paul about Obama's re-anointment and the economic implosion now slowly taking out the pinions of the once mighty U.S. economy.
This is Ron Paul's first appearance on the Jones show since before September 13th, when in the midst of a tantrum Alex declared: "Don't call my show, folks, about Ron Paul. I don't ever want to hear about him again. OK? We don't ask him on the show. We don't want him on the show!"
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In the early part of today's second hour, Alex tried to white-wash that incident, saying it was about people having irrational optimism. He did not mention the "we don't want him on the show" crack. I am reasonably sure that Ron Paul was made aware of what Alex said on September 13th. I suspect that Alex may have enlisted Lew Rockwell's assistance as peacemaker. In a recent appearance Alex briefly thanked Lew for his help in arranging for Ron to be on the show in the near future. Goodness knows Alex would not make a public apology.
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Thanks for pointing that out. We should never lose track of the fact that no one is infallible. Jones has to be taken through the filter of understanding what he is. He is a very passionate drama queen who says things on gut reaction that he regrets later.
He also happens to be very intelligent and presents a perspective that is normally more valid than what you will get from the mainstream.
No one should every simply believe everything he says just because he said it. (and he points that out himself regularly).
Thanks for providing the edits you do and the variety of voices to choose from Seybaygo1 :)
1+ previous comment. This is another testament AJ is the real deal and not just another puppet (Although on some levels, we all are puppets one way or another..). He is doing this out of his own convictions and beliefs. Thanks sebaygo for all your hard work and keep them coming! Believe me, they do make a difference.. I often times share them with others to raise awareness.
I think you guys are not holding Alex Jones' feet to the fire as you would do for a typical reporter or pundit. As Sebaygo said: "Goodness knows Alex would not make a public apology." That is where I take issue with Alex Jones. He runs off with a story and says something inflammatory or misleading. Then, he will not apologize or correct it. Jones is good at getting people to question the official main stream narrative, but you need to question Jones' narrative as well.
Remember the Infowars coverage of Fukishima? Jones worked people into a panic about radiation poisoning in the continental US. Then, he started selling KI radiation tablets on his web site. He never came back and said sorry the danger isn't has bad as I feared or led you to believe. If Fox news had done something like that, they would be discredited. Yet, people give Alex Jones a pass.
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