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On This Veterans Day, Remember the USS LIBERTY
By: candc
Of all the American fallen who will be remembered on this solemn and somber day, there are 34 who will not (at least officially speaking) and it is those men who were killed aboard the USS LIBERTY when it was deliberately and brutally attacked by Israel for over 2 hours on June 8, 1967
Veterans struggle with benefit claims thanks to missing war records
A strange thing happened when Christopher DeLara filed for disability benefits after his tour in Iraq: The U.S. Army said it had no records showing he had ever been overseas.
DeLara had searing memories of his combat experiences. A friend bled to death before his eyes. He saw an insurgent shoot his commander in the head. And, most hauntingly, he recalled firing at an Iraqi boy who had attacked his convoy.
The Army said it could find no field records documenting any of these incidents.
Over the last decade, millions of military field records from Iraq and Afghanistan have been lost or destroyed, making it difficult for some soldiers to prove their combat experiences and obtain medical benefits or other veteran awards and services.
However I may, loudly and frequently decry these wars without end, let me be very clear about my conviction that our Veterans deserve the best of care and service when they have finished serving in our military: they have earned it, period, end of discussion.
The US military can do things quickly and effectively when they have a mind to do so, and these glaring problems need to be sorted, STAT!!
No aid tranche deal seen on Monday despite Greek austerity
The euro zone will not release a new loan tranche to Greece on Monday despite the country's tough 2013 budget as there is no agreement yet on how to make its debt sustainable, but Athens is set to get two more years to cut debt, officials said.
EU starts first round in two-week budget brawl, BREAKS APART FRODAY IN ANGER!
European Union governments got a taste on Friday of the bitter battle to come on the bloc's next long-term budget, as talks between EU negotiators on spending for this year and next came to a head.
The dispute over the 2013 budget and extra spending needs for 2012 is seen as a litmus test for a tricky EU summit on Nov. 22-23, when leaders will try to agree the bloc's next long-term budget for 2014-2020, worth almost 1 trillion euros ($1.3 trillion).
"If we succeed in these negotiations now, we will create a better atmosphere for convergence and agreement in the (summit) negotiations," said Cyprus's deputy minister for EU affairs, Andreas Mavroyiannis, who will lead Friday's talks.
"If not, I suppose this will poison a little bit the atmosphere. It's never the end of the world, but let's hope for the best," he told Reuters ahead of the meeting.
Austria threatens to veto EU budget
Austria is the latest EU member to threaten to veto the deal ahead of a November 22-23 EU summit to discuss the bloc's 1 trillion euro spending plan for 2014-2020. Hopes for a swift deal at the meeting have already been dented after talks on the 2013 budget collapsed in acrimony on Friday.
1 comment:
I thank you, glad that he is back with you!
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