From the Infowars web site ::
Alex Jones will break down what the exploding secessionist movement really means and the federal government's plan to crush the states and sideline their rights guaranteed under the Constitution and the Tenth Amendment. Constitutional lawyer Edwin Vieira, Jr. will examine the different angles on the burgeoning movement and Alex will give you the key to true secession and how it can lead to true restoration of the Republic. We will also cover the historic farewell speech by Rep. Ron Paul on this Thursday, November 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show.After the broadcast was over, the posted show description was changed to this ::
Today on the syndicated radio broadcast, Alex Jones laid out a constitutional plan to have the states secede, not to destroy the Union, but to reconstitute it because the federal government admits it is now run by foreign special interest powers and has been conquered. Over the three hour show, he had constitutional lawyers, Lew Rockwell and others on who concurred with his analysis. We are going to Ron Paul to ask him to lead this movement at the states. We will soon have a transcript of Alex's constitutional battle plan.
About 10 minutes into the first hour, Alex said this --
Obama did something off the charts today. He signed a secret Executive Order, handing over the internet to the NSA and foreign banks. Unprecedented. We are now going under emergency rule, right now. This has all been planned out, all war-gamed. But WE through historical research and thousands of whistle-blowers from inside the system, many of which were killed or imprisoned. Remember, many people died to bring you this inforamtion. The only reason I'm alive right now is because people were willing in the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s to be imprisoned and killed. They killed thousands of people. They arrested Congressmen and tortured them. They hijacked aircraft and handed over Congressmen to the North Koreans. They, to try to keep this down, those of us who came before the current awakening. We stand on their shoulders. So, this isn't a game. I want to telegraph that to you right now. And what I'm going to say today and what I'm taking up now is the most dangerous thing I've ever done and I feel no fear. I only feel fear that I will not execute this properly, and it's not fear. It is more of a gripping, bracing realization, as if the hand of God is wrapped around my heart saying, "Don't screw this up.You may be killed doing this, so in your greatest moment of resistance, ringing the bell, signaling the beginning of the second American revolution, the restoration, and the spirit of 1776, don't screw this up, Jones."
And I'll tell all of you this as well, you don't screw it up either. This is time for dedication. This is time for commitment, and the spiritual decision to sign your John Hancock, in your words and your deeds towards the restoration of our republic and putting us back on the course of liberty and justice for all. And what am I going to call for here? I'm going to call for what is in the Declaration of Independence. The founding document.
This could get interesting. He has a big idea, a big plan and it's clear that the plan is not fully fleshed-out yet. But, yes, it could get interesting.
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Intriguing. I do hope this indeed comes to fruition. Would be nice if Ron Paul added his name to it, but I don't expect him to. Thank you for adding the descriptions and quote, I'm pretty psyched to listen to it tomorrow. Also would like to add kudos for the Money Bomb, took me some time to get through it, but I never missed a beat (maybe Icke, out of your hands I'm aware) and thank you in kind for wrangling it all together.
Unfortunately AJ has so little credibility, this will go nowhere.
And some consider that the War Between the States was already the Second American Revolution.
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