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"show notes" on RBN, taken from
The Day before Palestine: Israel Tests Antimissile
A couple of months ago, during the Jewish New Year, it became clear that Palestine would ask to be accepted as an observer state at the UN General Assembly. The vote is expected to take place tomorrow, November 29, the same day as the historic 1947 vote on UN Resolution 181, better known as the UN Partition Plan of Palestine. As analyzed in November 29, UN Decides on Palestine, if accepted, Palestine will have the same status held by the Holy See, Vatican City. This will upgrade Palestine's status from Occupied Territory to Occupied Country, opening new options for a legal battle against the Israeli occupation. The day before the historic event, Israel gave up its diplomatic efforts. Hebrew media already conceded defeat after several European countries announced they will support the Palestinian petition; among them only Germany and the Czeck Republic firmly support Israel.
Defiant Abbas expected to win UN vote
Openly defying the US President, Barack Obama, and facing down Israeli threats to abandon the Oslo Accords, the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, will submit a bid to the United Nations to upgrade the status of the Palestinian Authority on Thursday.
With the fragile truce with Hamas holding after a deadly eight days of missile strikes and rocket fire, Israel has intensified its campaign against the Palestinian efforts, lobbying European Union countries to oppose or abstain from the vote.
But its success has been mixed; the resolution is expected to pass with an easy majority of between 130 to 150 out of the 193 votes in the UN General Assembly.
Palestine should tell Great Britain to jump in the channel. Clearly they do not need Britain's vote at this stage, and Britain's attempt to blackmail Palestine over the vote shows that Israel has subverted Britain's government to the same extent that it has the US, Israel, Canada, the Czech Republic, Australia, and Germany.
But if you point that out, you're a filthy anti-Semite! :)
Gillard reassures Israel of backing despite UN vote
THE Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, has sought to placate an angry Jewish lobby with strong words of support in Parliament for Israel after Australia backed Palestine at the United Nations.
Ms Gillard's leadership is bruised but intact after she was forced to abandon her support for Israel to avoid being rolled by her own caucus.
Julia Gillard the Prime Minister of Australia fought her party hard to please Bibi's and company in Israel and in an attempt to vote against accepting Palestinians membership at the UN.
Israeli lobbyists and Israeli Embassy have been pushing her hard to reject Palestinians bid at the UN .....
To Israelis, Julia Gillard is the new Australian Stephen Harper of Canada.
Ducking UN vote still a win-win
EVEN by ducking the question, Australia's abstention marks a win for Palestinian aspirations. Julia Gillard will be stung to make this choice - but seeing Palestine in the United Nations is the right decision.
Palestine exists as a country, a fact almost everyone accepts. But what lies at the heart of this dispute is where lines should be drawn on the map, how water supplies should be divided and what should be the capital.
None of these problems will be magically solved when the UN votes to allow Palestine extra rights in the international forum. But giving Palestine a seat - not quite full membership, but nor a mere observer - is a crucial international recognition of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination. Australia would have been perfectly justified in offering support, abstaining is far preferable to opposition.
Germany will not back Palestinian U.N. bid: government spokesman
Germany will not back a Palestinian bid for a diplomatic upgrade at the United Nations, the government spokesman said on Wednesday.
I'll bet Bibi will give Merkel a big sloppy tongue-kiss for that!
Israel Is Seeking A Modified Palestinian UN Draft
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, decided to shift the Israeli policy and stance regarding the UN Thursday vote on the Palestinian nonmember status, and is currently tying to tone down and trim the Palestinian application instead of toppling it by a U.S. veto.
This is a General Assembly vote. The US does not have a veto there.
Foreign Ministry won't accept 'Palestine' missives
Ahead of UN vote on Palestinian request for non-member observer state status, Israeli diplomats instructed to reject letters containing 'problematic terminology' such as 'occupied Jerusalem' and 'state of Palestine'
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