Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 Mar 26 MO

Aaron Dykes has been the lead-in pitch man for the two week series of rerun broadcasts that Alex Jones dubbed "The Infowars Nightly News Pit Stop." Before he introduced the old material that was going to be re-aired, Aaron always gave a bit of a pep-talk about how much better the new and improved Nightly News program was going to be once it relaunched this week.

I was particularly happy to hear Dykes using language similar to what Jones had used in the weeks leading up to the launch of the week-night webcast -- i.e., that it was going to be a concise, focused, 30 minute news show. Which it never was.

There are other examples, but here's Aaron calling the post-pit-stop show "shorter, more compact."

And here he refers to it as "condensed."

So what did Alex Jones deliver on the re-launch premier? A webcast that clocked in at 2 hours, 10 minutes, 21 seconds.

My disappointment is palpable. This just feels like an exercise in undisciplined self-indulgence. I really shouldn't express any more of my opinion.

There's no show description posted at prisonplanet.tv.

Alex Jones hosts. His interview guest is "Syrian Girl."

Here are links to the audio.


Anonymous said...

Moderate this...after reading your "disappointing" comments regarding the Infowars Nightly News we really think you are engaged in the wrong activities. We think that you would be much more content washing cars, sweeping floors, emptying garbage cans, or any simple mundane activity other than interpreting the significance of Infowars Nightly News. Please search the Job Ad's and find some work that you are actually qualified to accomplish!

smconley said...

hey seybee

just want to let u know that after reading these postings, perhaps u forget about michael raviro stating that there are groups/individuals attacking blogs & such.

u have made it to fame. now that you have mossad or their panzies trying to get u to stop, u should be proud.

stop bitching about their digs, and thank them for the attention. They do not want this material to get out.

I say if it smells like a fish, get the tarter sauce.

good luck and thanks,
