Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Anonymous Revisits the Blog

Just when I was beginning to think that he/she had forgotten this humble blog, Anonymous [TheAeromaster?] returned this afternoon, full of cheer and friendly advice. Of course since the comment is "anonymous" I can't be sure this is the same individual who tried to commnet-bomb the blog some days ago, but the use of the royal "we" makes me suspect that it's the same person. Here is his/her most recent bon mot (emphasis mine).
Moderate this...after reading your "disappointing" comments regarding the Infowars Nightly News we really think you are engaged in the wrong activities. We think that you would be much more content washing cars, sweeping floors, emptying garbage cans, or any simple mundane activity other than interpreting the significance of Infowars Nightly News. Please search the Job Ad's and find some work that you are actually qualified to accomplish!


Thanks so much for your concern, and for the career guidance. Would you say, sir/madam, that one should infer from your behavior that it is typical for True Alex Jones Fans™? I cannot help being curious.

I will try to find time soon for scouring the help-wanted advertisements in search of menial employment. In the meantime, I'll try to stay busy here. Oh, speaking of jobs, how's that web site of yours coming along?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the AJ files. No matter what anyone thinks about AJ or his crew, his guests makes your effort more than valuable.

keep up the good (and much needed) work.


sebaygo1 said...

Thanks, Mondo. And I have Alex Jones to thank for introducing me to the likes of Bob Chapman, Mike Rivero, Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente, Webster Tarpley, and a host of others. I will be the first to agree that he has great guests. Now if he could just interrupt them a little less....

Anonymous said...

I am not the Anonymous who posted the nasty comments, I am an anonymous who has posted in the past in your support.

I have been quiet for a while but I feel I have to speak up again in your support.

The anonymous who doesn't like how you do things should get off their butt & do it themselves, Put up or Shut up!

Thank you for everything you Do sebaygo1, it IS appreciated by those that know a good job when they see it being done.

Anonymous said...

the aeromaster did not get the point of your dissapointed feelings we want alex to have a concise well prepared 30 minute show so he can get those tv deals he used to talk about