Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hurricane headed my way... I need to DL...

I have been away from the reality realm for a bit, I assume not much has changed... but going into this hurricane thats set to b**chsmack my area and the fact it'll be the strongest in my life coupled with the longest the power was off due to one was 2+ weeks... I want a bit of listening lined up. So tell me what has really hit the heart in the past 3 months or so...

Thanks in advance!

Sorry for the crappy post Sebaygo1!


sebaygo1 said...

Keep your head down, Hippie! I have no hurricane experience. In Arkansas it is only tornadoes and ice storms. In Texas so far it is only drought and broiling temps, but 10 years ago Ike flooded the whole of Houston bigtime. I would prefer to skip another of those. Stay safe, be careful and give us the high sign when you can to let us know you make it through OK.

Hippie said...

Short of getting the solar kit I wanted a few months ago, the 2 400w constant power inverters I have should do Ok and certainly stretches the resources a bit, its enough to power a laptop and the router modem, so i'll tell you its ok, even though I know it will be! :D

Anonymous said...

As much as I love much of what sebaygo posts, I'd also recommend the Sybil Edmonds Boiling Frog Post dot com podcasts. There are ~50 or so of them and I'm about 1/2 through listening to all. They have great guests and it's pretty meaty stuff that's easy to listen to. If you have a downloader in your browser, you can grab them by batch.

On that note, I'd recommend linking to those as they come out, Sebaygo. They're excellent.

Also, at noagendanation dot com you can get the archives of the no agenda show. Following their development from inception to current is interesting (not to mention all of the useful info).

sebaygo1 said...

Absolutely right, Anon. For some reason I have fallen out of the habit of checking her site regularly. Need to get that back on my to-do list.