Friday, May 13, 2011

Blogger Disaster

Mid-afternoon yesterday as I was adding to my daily post [about what's happening with the move plus links for the day's shows], I was greeted with this:

I had seen this "service unavailable" message at various times in the past, but I don't think I have ever witnessed such a situation persist for more than an hour or so... usually only minutes. But when I clicked on the link to the Blogger Status Blog, what I saw was distinctly disconcerting.

As the hours passed I became more and more frustrated with a situation where I had no way of communicating with the readers of this blog. I did resort to posting messages on Twitter, though I don't think many readers here follow me on Twitter. My greatest hope was that no one would be thinking I had just taken a day off.

To be fair, for a free service Blogger has a very good record of reliability. But I was surely wishing yesterday and during the first part of day that I had some sort of a backup in place -- perhaps not something that I update daily, but rather to mostly be used to convey information when the primary channel is down [for however long, for whatever reason].

But what to use? I began doing some looking around yesterday. Tumblr is a fairly popular platform, something between Blogger and Twitter one might say. But while looking around there yesterday, I quickly came upon this.

And THIS is what I am currently seeing on Twitter...

I would really, really like to hear suggestions about what I could do to have a backup communication channel in place.

O.K., enough about this for now. I'm going to try to restore as much as possible of what I published yesterday, and then as time allows work on today's material.

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