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Show notes from RBN (as published):
Today's show covered Curiosity sees an added dimension: First 3D images from the Martian surface beamed back to earth (but you'll need to wear glasses to view them properly); Fire on 88th Floor of 1 WTC Contained; FBI arrests Sikh temple shooter's ex-girlfriend; Syrian troops launch massive offensive in Aleppo; Syrian rebels pull back in Aleppo district; Syrian Army kills leader of Aleppo insurgents; Clinton Hypocritically Warns Against Supporting Proxies in Syria; Syria: France's Exterior Intelligence Agency(DGSE) In Full Support of Free Syrian Army Killers; Christ Almighty! US Foreign Policy vs. Middle Eastern Christianity; Sectarian slaying: Syrian rebels attack Alawites, Christians; Iranian News Reports Child Hanged by Syrian 'Rebels'; Insurgents in Aleppo likely received WMDs: Reports; U.N. pulls all monitors out of Syrian town because of security concerns; Reports Citing Intelligence on Iran Weapons Program Lack Credibility; Sinai: 20 dead in Egyptian air attack; August 5 Sinai Attack Bears All the Hallmarks of an Israeli False Flag; Muslim Brotherhood blames Mossad for Sinai border attacks; Gunmen attack 3 security checkpoints in turmoil-hit North Sinai; South Korea resumes Iranian oil supplies; War on Iran would have disastrous consequences that would destabilize everything; Palestinian Statehood Bid, Israeli Counter-Threats Set Up New Clash; Justice Ministry to review new regulations that may ban Palestinians, migrants from filing suits in Israeli courts; Christians, but not Muslims, can pray in Israel holy sites: court; US downsizes its massive Iraq diplomatic mission; Blackwater admits to facts behind 17 federal charges; US banks brace for possible eurozone collapse; How the BBC is misleading the public about the financial crisis; Prisoners paid £3 a day to work at call centre that has fired other staff - The Guardian; VIDEO - Rep. Miller Asks Geithner Why He Didn't Inform Dept. Of Justice Of LIBOR Fraud; Morgan Stanley sued over a product 'designed to fail'; Nevada Foreclosure Fraud Stopped - As Soon As It Was Made A Felony; Bankers are giving Parasites a bad name.; NEW REPORT: Five Senior Goldman Sachs Execs Gave $130K To 'Obama Victory Fund' WHILE Eric Holder Was Deciding Whether To File Criminal Charges; For Unpaid College Loans, Feds Dock Social Security; Indigestion for `les Riches' in a Plan for Higher Taxes; 95-minute glitch halts TSE derivatives trading; US newsstand magazine sales slide 10%; GOP Insider: How Religion Destroyed My Party; In pictures: Rare snow in Johannesburg; U.S. scores dead last again in healthcare study; MMR vaccine causes autism' claim banned; Total Victory in Texas - Austin Autism Care Clinics' Jesus Caquias MD Totally Exonerated...; Pfizer Admits Bribery in Eight Countries; Leading article: Drugs companies, heal thyselves - The Independent; RomneyCare 2.0; FOX: Nuclear reactor halted on "suspicion of cracks"; "We have found anomalies," says Belgium official -- AFP: Possible cracks in reactor vessel?; Homestead police officer fired after woman complains he asked to see her breasts; Shelbyville teacher accused of sex with middle school students; Two More Marines Accused Of Underage Rape; Forget playing fair, cheaters get a natural 'high' breaking the rules; Man charged with murder in wife's hospital death; Apple, Amazon prove the "cloud" isn't safe; Navy tests ocean drones
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