Our electricity went off when there were about five or six minutes left to go in the second hour of WRH. I was able to save what I had recorded up to that point because I was recording on my little old netbook. The stream was gone, of course, because the modem and router were dead.
I knew I had all of hour one and certainly the first half of hour two, intact. So, as time passed and the power was not restored by the time Mike's show was over, I resolved to use my recording as source for files 1a, 1b, and 2a. The rest I intended to get from RBN's podcast archive.
But no. RBN chose not to make the second hour available today.
The only thing left for me to do was to use the partial second-half of hour two that I had recorded. Sorry to not be able to share the whole show, but you're only missing about six minutes or slightly less. Hour 3 is edited from an RBN podcast file.
Torrent cache links:--
Magnet links:
File host links:
Netkups link:
Show notes from RBN:
U.K. Recession Drives More Than 1,000 To Suicide: Study ;Ready to roll: Curiosity set to embark on its first drive as Nasa completes Martian 'brain surgery';Israel urges US decision on Iran strike; Barak: We must make Iran decision now; Iran is simply not afraid of the United States, says Israel's former military intelligence chief; Blogger: Israeli attack in Iran will include, missiles, assassinations; Netanyahu's Secret War Plan: Leaked Document Outlines Israel's "Shock and Awe" Plan to Attack Iran; Saudi king sits next to Ahmadinejad;Turks Urged to Avoid Travel to Lebanon; Facebook Shares Hit New Low as a Lockup Period Ends;Timid U.S., IMF Leaving Europe In The Lurch - Commentary: Global Answers Needed To Fix Euros Dysfunction; Seven Banks Under Investigation for Global Interest Rate Scandal;House members' VIP loans excluded from subpoena;Still No Escape for Taxpayers If Banks Go Bust;Banks Falsify Credit Card Lawsuits in Ninety Percent of Cases?;Eight Companies Sued for Alleged 'Abusive Foreclosure Practices' in Ohio ;Arizona homeowner: 'Bank stole my house'; Washington's highest court rules MERS cannot foreclose on homeowners; Local Governments mull radical solution to underwater mortgages: seize them; Finland Preparing for End Of Euro, Deeply Suspicious Of EU's `Gang Of Four'; Missouri Republican candidate calls to halt federal school lunch program; How to Beat Vulture Debt Collectors; A-level students must be told the whole truth about the value of a degree - Telegraph;Small change? Lawmakers push dollar coins over bills;"Gold Ponzi Schemes" Revealed - Physical Gold Favored Over Derivatives; Migrant lawyers say Brewer edict contradicts law; NBPP - We need to create a military to mass murder white people; ICE wants 165 Million rounds of ammunition; sign a petition to stop the fear; Government Awards Ammunition But Hides How Much It Spent And The Quantity Requested; Colo. college students can keep guns on campus; Romney Says 63% of Voters Are 'Small-Minded'; Libertarians Sue to Have Romney Kicked Off Washington Ballot; Ryan says he did seek economic stimulus money;Ryan's Budget: Right in Your Face, America!; Facts Get in the Way; Why 90 million Americans won't vote in November; Goldman Sachs Leads Bankers In Abandoning Obama; Democrat lawmaker 'choked, wrestled and beat wife and then drove away drunk'; CNN Censors Richard Belzer; "9/11: Experts Speak Out" Premieres in Texas Three-City Tour & Airs on Colorado Public TV Pledge Drive; New York police officer shoots dog protecting homeless owner - video; Hit & Run Driver at Large; "Victory" gardens in Drummondville; Medical Support to Detainee Operations Manual Reveals New Drugs Can be Tested on Prisoners;Test All Baby Boomers For Hepatitis C: CDC;Japanese beef exports to US postponed
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