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Pellagra shown to be dietary disease1915; Bad gas: 100,000 could be affected; Pentagon: Plans in Place to Seize Syria's Chemical Weapons;Russia: We have guarantees Assad won't move or use Syria's chemical weapons;Syrian false flag planned?; BOMBSHELL: US Neo-Cons, State Department Behind Terror Wave in Russia; CIA spies 'smuggle 14 Stinger missiles into Syria so rebels can take out regime warplanes'; UN nuke agency forms special `action team' to investigate Iran's nuclear program;Anti-Iran rhetoric reflects US-Israel implosive crises: Analyst ;`US-Israeli warmongering against Iran illegal under UN Charter';Israel unlikely to warn U.S. in advance of attack on Iran;Editorial: Israel war talk fails to ignite U.S. debate;UN's Ban to Attend Iran Summit Over Israel's Opposition;Hizbullah Holds 'Unprecedented' Maneuver;North Lebanon Ceasefire Crumbles, 12 More Killed;Pakistan summons US diplomat over assassination drone attacks;China real target for US missile shield in Asia' ;Worthless 'bomb detectors' put Iraqi lives at risk;We'll make a killing out of food crisis, Glencore trading boss Chris Mahoney boasts - Independent;Investors pull another $2.7 billion out of stocks;Now even his friends are bailing out: Mark Zuckerberg suffers another blow as Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz dumps nearly 500,000 shares in the social networking giant;Global Experts Poll: Economic Confidence Plummets to Lowest Level in Five Quarters ;CBO predicts recession for US next year;Federal Reserve leaning toward more stimulus;Banking malfeasance "Price signals are the lifeblood of the market" - Manipulating prices poisons the well; September 12th German Court Decision = COLLAPSE of the Euro Zone - Alasdair Macleod ;Kucinich champions Lincoln Greenbacks, N.E.E.D. Bill To End The Fed; IMF Says Bailouts Iceland-Style Hold Lessons in Crisis Times;Silver Paper Trading in Crisis: Why Backwardation is so Important for Silver ;Explosion of credit cards with interest rates as high as 50% target middle-class borrowers with patchy credit scores ;Russian Lawmakers Seek to Strip Central Bank of Independence; Tropical Storm Isaac threatens Republican National Convention, Florida; Is Palin Making Her Move? Will She Be THE One to Topple the House of Cards?;Ben Swann update on the delegates ;UPDATE! RNC Rules Rumor in Tampa: Attempt Fails to Change Nominations Rule From 5 State Plurality to 10 States; Delegate vote moved to Monday; U.S. joins false claims suit against Gallup polling firm; Obama and Romney fight it out in new iPhone game (10Pics); David Letterman Presents Political Ad Showing What Really Happened To Bin Laden; A GALLERY OF FAKE DEAD BIN LADENS; Paul Ryan Touts His Foreign Policy Cred: I Voted For War In Congress; Like OJ Simpson, Rachel Corrie's Parents Needed a Civil Lawsuit Against the Israeli Govt for the Murder of Their Daughter - Nine Years Later, A Verdict?; U.S.: ISRAELI PROBE INTO RACHEL CORRIE'S MURDER WAS BOGUS; Former CEO of McDonald's dies of colon cancer at age of 44 ; Head football coach and father-of-three escorted off pitch and arrested for 'owning and producing child pornography'; Macs traded for plastic surgery, hard drives used as skateboards and a shrine to an irate customer: Shocking secrets from ex-staff of America's most corrupt Apple store ; Stockholm enjoys six 'summer' days in 2012; SKorean judges block law requiring real names online, ruling it restricts freedom of speech;German customs seized a $1.2 million violin from a Japanese professional musician and are demanding she pay almost $500,000 to get it back; Yes, fluoride makes you stupid; Carbon tax now destroying Australian economic prosperity; Cops Interrogate Family For Allowing Kids To Play Outside; Former Greeley pastor charged with possessing child pornography; 65 Year Old CA Woman Shoots and Fights Off FIVE Armed Robbers
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