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Show notes from RBN:
Facebook removes Hezbollah sites; Feds Targeting Alternative Media In Information Warfare Campaign;AIPAC Wants War on Iran;Iran chatter whips Israel into a frenzy;Israel Delivers "Or Else" Demands to Obama;Zone of Insanity;`Obama, Americans Would Support Israeli Attack on Iran:' Oren;LYNCHINGS HAVE BECOME A SPECTATOR SPORT IN ISRAEL;Exclusive: FBI probed GOP trip with drinking, nudity in Israel;Syrian Opposition Admits British Intelligence is Assisting Terrorist FSA Along with U.S., Germany and Turkey;MI6 aid armed rebels in Syria;Syrian delegation goes to Moscow to call for help; Russia Rejects No-Fly Zones As Ploy for Military Intervention; India and Russia Going to Sign Biggest-Ever Defence Deal Worth $ 35 Billion;German Intelligence spies assist the gunmen in Syria ;US Drone Attacks Leave 21 Civilians Dead In Pakistan In Under 48 Hours;US 'should hand over footage of drone strikes or face UN inquiry' - The Independent; Muni condemns controversial bus ad;Pussy Riot and Selective Outrage; Lord Rothschild Betting On Euro Collapse?; Greek PM to meet eurozone leaders this week; Checking In On Marc Faber's 100% Certainty of Another Recession ; Glenn Beck: Unstoppable Economic Collapse Is Imminent;Peregrine founder pleads not guilty in $200M fraud scheme ;Former Barclays CEO 'held back evidence' ;Jamie Dimon Just Admitted To The World That JPM's Assets Are Overvalued By $150 Billion; Banks Can Legally Steal Customer Funds From Private Checking Accounts;The new robber barons: how taxpayers subsidize CEOs' multimillion salaries; Supreme Court ruling of Washington State (Fraud) Foreclosure victims can sue the banks via "Consumer Protection Act" ;BEX ALERT - WikiLeaks Cable: "Systemic Insolvency Is Now The Problem, Global Bank Bailout Needed";FLASHBACK - Long-Awaited Wikileaks Secret Bank Of America Files Have Been Destroyed, Or So They Say;Amerika's Future is Death; Man dies from anthrax-contaminated heroin; 'Top Gun' director Tony Scott dead after jumping off bridge; Tampa Police Riot Control Demo for RNC - (False Flag Watch); Israeli fundraiser for US Rep arrested; Massachusetts GOP Bans Their 16 Ron Paul Delegates From The RNC;Major General: Why Are Domestic Government Agencies Purchashing Enough Lethal Ammunition to Put 5 Rounds In Every American?; Police Shoot Homeless Man 46 Times; Police Warn Internet Users Not To Pay Fines To File-Sharing Fraudsters; New Zealand Decides It Won't Hand Over Megaupload Founder Without A Fight; GRAPHICS: Sinkhole is directly above edge of giant salt dome -- Size compared to Superdome; CO2 emissions in US drop to 20-year low; Military's dumped mustard gas closes Gulf of Mexico's Horn Island; Police Busted Smuggling Steroids! THERE IT IS! Drug Test Every Cop In the Country NOW!; Gallup: 54 percent say TSA doing a good job;GM recalls 240K SUVs in cold-weather states; Cities, counties nationwide begin mass aerial sprayings of toxic `anti-West Nile Virus' pesticides ; Should Alabama Man Be Allowed to Keep Late Wife Buried in His Front Yard?;Phoenix Diocese misses abuse-reporting deadline; Japanese beef exports to US postponed;Komen for the Cure caught lying about benefits of mammograms, says BMJ;Yes, fluoride makes you stupid; Dr. Russell Blaylock exposes criminal fraud of Gardasil, HPV vaccinations
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