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Michael discusses today's show about topics such as Neil Armstrong Recovering from Heart Surgery;Neil Armstrong's death prompts yearning for America's past glories;Isaac's storm track shifts toward giant sinkhole, preparations underway -- Could become "extremely dangerous" hurricane ;Emergency officials now urging residents near giant sinkhole to check homes for sinking, holes, cracks; Immediately report changes;"All Empire State Building Shooting Victims Were Shot by Police" - CNN;Aleppo battle is over -- but snipers still seek targets;Syrian Military is Winning - Ziad Fadel - Syrian Commentator;British Paper Claims Western Troops are in Syria;Hillary Clinton floats a Syria no-fly zone. How real an option for US?;Syrian Christians in 2-week blockade by rebel fighters, residents desperate;Audio: We Agree Nuclear Iran Must Be Stopped. Now, How to Do It.;In Israel, Opposition to Attacking Iran Gains Upper Hand; New satellite imagery shows Iran covering up building IAEA wants to visit, says U.S. think tank;Shas spiritual leader calls for 'heavenly justice upon Iran, Hezbollah';Egypt president to visit Bushehr nuclear plant: Iran lawmaker;Afghan endgame - enter Russia!;No Way to Avoid Global Financial Collapse, Says Predictive Software;German business confidence slumps;Germany May Ask Greece To Exit The Euro 'Temporarily';Light Volumes Turn Wall Street Into Ghost Town;Incomes still well below pre-recession levels;Bankers' Profits Soar on Backs of Home Buyers;Big Income Losses for Those Near Retirement;U.S. Debt On Track to Hit $16 Trillion Within Week;As school bells ring, retailers start listening for sleigh bells;Over 10,000 supporters brave Tropical Storm Isaac to see Ron Paul speak at USF;Ron Paul delegates get nosebleed seats;U.S. election: Ron Paul stripped of delegates on eve of Republican convention;Maine Ron Paul supporters say they'll appeal delegates decision, call for convention boycott;WARNING! Delegates show up on MONDAY: Postponement is a huge RNC trick!;There Was Major Drama At The GOP Convention Friday, And It Ended With John Sununu Fleeing The Building;RNC Official Says NM Governor Disrespected Custer by Meeting American Indians;Bradley Jay: Boston's Streets Are Packed With `Nattering Nabobs Of Negativism' Concerning Paul Ryan;Foreign Cash Disqualifies Romney from Presidential Bid;Supreme Court Retains Ban on Foreign Campaign Donations;Investigator who cleared Obama in scandal is his campaign donor;Israeli soldiers expose plight of Palestinian children;World's largest oil producer falls victim to 30K workstation attack;FCC Launching Huge Internet Tax;US Forest Service has an immediate need for ammunition ;Seniors Arm Selves in Record Numbers Despite Big Media's Anti-Gun Hype;Nosy Neighbors Call Brings SWAT Team Down On Gun Owner;Japanese officials concerned about gamma rays being emitted from Fukushima plant debris;Cod fish shipments 200 miles from Fukushima suspended -- "High levels of radioactive caesium found";Big, radioactive lump in Hanford nuclear-waste tank: Is it leaking?;Windows 8 Tells Microsoft About Everything You Install, Not Very Securely;Bayonne school district lowers passing grade for students;US Sues Florida for Halting Kosher Meals
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