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Show notes from RBN:
FBI assault at Ruby Ridge - 20th anniversary; Government links sovereign citizens to police murders in Louisiana;Muslim community `vindicated' after NYPD spy program produced no leads;US Desperation Surfaces in Syria;Obama warns of US intervention if Syria uses, moves chemical weapons;US new ultimatum to Syria;Russia warns against unilateral intervention in Syria;The Sinai Joins the Axis of Resistance;Israel says Egypt violating peace treaty in Sinai;US drone strikes target rescuers in Pakistan - and the west stays silent; An Obama Visit to Israel Could Stall Iran Attack; Report: Netanyahu Pressuring Rabbi Yosef to Support Iran Strike; Bibi's Plan B is for Global War: Attack on Lebanon; Jacob Rothschild, John Paulson And George Soros Are All Betting That Financial Disaster Is Coming;The beginning of the end for Facebook? PayPal billionaire who was its first investor sells most of his shares worth $1 BILLION;Best Buy's 2Q profit drops 90 percent, misses analyst estimates amid turmoil; Chancellor's cuts and tax rises aimed at slashing debt 'fail' as public borrowing goes up £600MILLION in a month; Belize closer to default, bond payment unlikely; Russia Accumulates Gold As Consolidates Below Resistance At $1,644/oz; Germans say Greece euro exit is 'manageable' as diplomats prepare for another week of crunch talks over nation's spiralling debts; This Is What Happens When You Allow Your Country To Become Enslaved To The Bankers; Trade War Escalates: China Threatens US Over Renewable Energy; Republicans Gone Wild! - AKA Republicans imploding.; Missouri Republican official: `God chose to bless' women with pregnancies from rape; GOP Consultant: Koch Brothers Bought Ryan's Nomination With $100 Million Promise; Ron Paul GOP delegates may not back Romney; Former Marine Brandon Raub Sentenced To Up To 30 Days In Psych Ward Over Facebook Posts;Feds move to strike lewd details from Homeland Security sexual-discrimination lawsuit; Feds' explanation of hollow point bullets raises more questions;Israeli threats aimed at pressuring US, say experts ;Jewish Settler Attacks on Palestinians Named 'Terrorist Incidents' for First Time by US;US Veterans Suffering From Head Trauma May Become Violent and Dangerous, Says DoD;Edison to lay off 730 workers at San Onofre ;Police: Del. daycare workers encouraged toddlers to fight;Casino sues gamblers who won $1.5m after unshuffled cards landed 41 winning hands in a row; Japanese beef exports to US postponed;Komen for the Cure caught lying about benefits of mammograms, says BMJ; Yes, fluoride makes you stupid; Dr. Russell Blaylock exposes criminal fraud of Gardasil, HPV vaccinations; High school valedictorian denied diploma after saying 'hell' in speech; Carbon tax now destroying Australian economic prosperity; Cops Interrogate Family For Allowing Kids To Play Outside; Brazil drug gangs move to ban crack
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