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BEX ALERT - Syrian Rebels Put Captured Iranian Drones on YouTube; Syrian troops free journalists kidnapped by rebels; CANADIAN ZIONISTS OUTRAGED AT LATEST BDS VICTORY;US Hypocritically Accuses Iran of Sending Pro-Regime Militias to Syria;Syria's crisis helps warm relations between Riyadh and Tehran;Israel would be willing to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, even if doing so only delayed its ability to produce nuclear weapons for a few years, Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren said. ;New Evidence That Israel Is Bluffing About Iran;In violation of peace accord, Egypt deploying troops in Sinai without Israel's prior approval ;Facebook shares hit all time LOW as early investors get first chance to sell off their stock;Warning: Get Your Money Out: "All Legal Bank Deposit Protections Are Now Officially Gone";Citigroup, AT&T Among 26 Companies That Paid Their CEOs More In 2011 Than In Taxes: Report;Jon Corzine Will Not Only Not Face Prosectuion, But May Be Launching A Hedge Fund Imminently;Buy Team America?; Soros Exits Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Adds To Gold Position;Report: 7 banks subpoenaed over rate-fixing;California Sales Tax Revenues Nosedive By 33.5%;Australian stock market rigged: top insider speaks out!!; Bristol businesses queuing up to join local currency scheme - Telegraph;Ponzi Scheme Goes for the Gold: Poland's Amber Gold's PHYZZ Has Vaporized; Silversun Pickups Tell Mitt Romney To Stop Using 'Panic Switch,' Say They Dislike The GOP Candidate ; Romney's Top Contributors; Ann Romney: `There's Going To Be No More Tax Releases Given'; Ryan corrected Hill reports during VP search; Brewer bars public benefits for illegal immigrants;Navy SEALS Start `Swift-Boating' Obama;Obama's $25 Billion Government Motors Lemon;Appeals court halts Hasan case over beard; DHS Sex Scandal Widens; ICE Chief Goes on Leave;Poll: Ron Paul 3rd Party Bid Could Transform 2012 Election;Approval of Congress Again Hits Record Low of 10 Percent;Rocky, Rambo Star Stallone Rails Against Banks, Corruption, 'Foreign Enemies' Destroying Our Country;Chavis Carter 'Suicide' Reenactment Video Released By Jonesboro Police;FLASHBACK 2002 - Police shoot handcuffed man in the back 12 times ;Court: If Violating Your Privacy Helps The Police, It's Not Violating Your Privacy;Social Networks Develop Deep Packet Inspection Backdoors For Govt Spying;South African police opened fire Thursday on a crowd of striking workers at a platinum mine, leaving an unknown number of people injured and possibly dead. Motionless bodies lay on the ground in pools of blood.;The Most Sickening TV Show in History; Universal Music Uses Bogus DMCA Claim To Take Down Negative Review Of Drake's Album;4 Nuclear Reactors in US Shutdown in Last Few Days as Power Grids Worldwide Expected to Fail; William Ostendorff, GOP-Appointed Regulator, Under Investigation For Thwarting Nuclear Safety Probe ; Winter 2011-2012 Forecast: Another Brutal One;Scandal at the FDA: board members with drug maker ties voted to approve drug that's killing women; Lousiana TV: "Growth of the sinkhole was expected and could continue"; Law Abiding Gun Owner Assist Police in Carjacking Capture. Thank God for the Second Amendment!; American civilians buy as many AK47s as the Russian military and police... and demand is surging because gun owners fear they will be banned ; Big Pharma Targets Free Speech And The Entire Anti Vaccine Safety Movement ; Preposterous media claims that eating egg yolks is 'as bad for you as smoking' debunked; `Who's Your Daddy' Truck Rolls Through NYC, Offers Answers With DNA ;California: The Companies Trying to Stop Mandatory Labeling of Products Containing GE Ingredients; Top Chinese politicians accused of taking part in an orgy after 100 naked photos go viral on micro-blogging site
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