Thursday, August 23, 2012

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 Aug 22 WE

From RBN podcast files.

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Show notes from RBN:

Russia warns West on Syria after Obama threats; Could US remove Syria chemical weapons?;China: Syria's chemical weapons an excuse;Syria has no Russian-made chemical weapons;This Week in Syria: New Aleppo Violence as Free Syrian Army Falls Under Scrutiny;Assad exit 'up for discussion'; Iran begins construction of $300 million anti-aircraft missile base; Iran's Supreme Leader Orders Fresh Terror Attacks On The West; U.S. drone strikes: hundreds of civilian deaths; Americans tune out Afghan war as fighting rages on; It's "Worth Nuclear War" To Save The U.S. Dollar;Trading volume at 5-year low. Don't panic; Startling Evidence That Central Banks And Wall Street Insiders Are Rapidly Preparing For Something BIG; The MF Global Magical Mystery Tour; Fed Court Rules Banksters Can Steal Pensions; Bill Murphy- `JP Morgan Is FINISHED! JPM Silver Scandal Will Rival LIBOR!'; Chief marketing officers see no economic rebound; Shhhh... It's Even Worse Than The Great Depression; Gen Y most likely to hold low-paying jobs in retail; Report: Nearly One In Five Americans Have No Money to Put Food on the Table; The Labor Department paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal stimulus funds to a public relations firm to run more than 100 commercials touting the Obama administration's "green training" job efforts on two MSNBC cable shows, records show.; Iceland Was Right, We Were Wrong: The IMF; Bunds Rise as Juncker Says No Greek Aid Decision Before October; UK taxpayers face £1bn bill if stricken Greece leaves the euro; Britain's borrowing soars as reeling Osborne plots 'nuclear' spending cuts for autumn; New Silk Road: China's long, steady march into the Middle East; Top U.N. official in Iraq `misled' world on camp for Iranians; False Flag Planned For GOP Convention?; Going to RNC? Be ready for Rain, or More! ; Buckhorn to CNN: 'We're prepared to call it off' if needed; US election: Todd Akin's 'legitimate rape' remarks threaten to engulf Mitt Romney's campaign - Telegraph; War on women and the self-destruction of the GOP; Why the GOP Is Scared of Ron Paul and 4 Reasons He Might Still Get the 2012 Republican Nomination ;Ryan Adviser Calls On Congress To Authorize War With Iran; Obama campaign touts support of more than 600 American rabbis ; Man Kicked Off Flight Over Anti-TSA Shirt; In Defense of "9/11 Truth" Speech: Put Us All In A Psych Ward ; High school valedictorian denied diploma after saying 'hell' in speech;Phoenix Woman Ordered to Not Give Out Water in 112 Degree Heat Because She Lacked a Permit; TrapWire tied to anti-Occupy Internet-spy program; The Richard Aoki Story: More Evidence the FBI Runs Violent Political Groups; Argentinian Study Finds Roundup Ingredient Causes Birth Defects ; Brazilian Court Demands Nestle Label GMO Ingredients; Walmart to start selling unlabeled insecticide-laced GMO corn from Monsanto; Father sent home from hospital with pain killers after doctors failed to spot he has a BROKEN NECK; Dogs that chase their tails could be suffering from obsessive disorders; NUGENT: Crimes against Gibson guitars; Yes, fluoride makes you stupid; Carbon tax now destroying Australian economic prosperity; Cops Interrogate Family For Allowing Kids To Play Outside; Brazil drug gangs move to ban crack; Mars rover: Wind sensor damaged on Nasa's Curiosity

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