Thursday, November 10, 2011

We Let Them Do It!

Cooking the books with phony economic statistics and all the rest.

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"A country whose population has been trained to accept the government's word, and to shun those who question it, is a country without liberty in its future."
-- Paul Craig Roberts


colin rogers said...

How does this Napolitano bloke get away with being truthful on Fox?

sebaygo1 said...

The only thing I can imagine is that they think only a handful of people see him. He is on the Fox Business channel, which has only a fraction of the viewership numbers of Fox News.

colin rogers said...

yup...and I can see how it helps with the Fox slogan of
"Fair And Impartial"...the fact they put him on at stupid o'clock gives them a backup to say ..."see we are reallllly on your side"...get rivero on there he'd blow em out