Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Andrew Gause - The Real World of Money -- 2013 Nov 06 WE

Creating Money Out of Nothing is the Strongest Drug of All

Show Highlights:

-Andy and Patrick talk about the elections yesterday
from performance art to taxing marijuana
-Creating money out of nothing is the strongest drug of all
-The Obama Care meme of “You will be able to keep your present health care provider and insurance” is a lie. Period
-Income equality? Producing more than what we earn
-When Ronald Regan took office in 1980 we the people
owed others a mere 500 Billion Dollars
-We asked Mr. Gause “What would happen if The Federal Reserve Bank of NY stopped buying Treasury Bonds?”
-Andrew takes us to the carnival and compares to what’s going on in banking today
-In 1913 when The Federal Reserve Act was signed the United States was the biggest creditor Nation. Yes, others owed us money
-Today, when a new Soul is born into a body they are $120,000 in debt
-When Treasure Secretary O’Neil told the truth about the numbers, President Bush had his Tom [Cruise] moment and couldn’t handle the Truth, and fired him.
-China and Turkey buying gold big time
-CEO of The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis gets it. He has not drunk the Kool Aid.
-Andy talks about [the] home schooling curriculum he used
-Raising capital on the internet legally

Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, The Secret World of Money and Uncle Sam Cooks the Books.

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