Wednesday, October 9, 2013

ExtraTorrent Update -- 2013 Oct 09 WE

The servers of (in Ukraine) have been unreachable for a couple of days -- an amount of downtime unheard of for this site. This morning I have learned why. Extratorrent.COM is gone. Via TorrentFreak:
The newly founded Intellectual Property Crime Unit of the City of London Police has scored its first victories. Several domain names of major torrent sites have been suspended by their registrars following an urgent request from the unit. SumoTorrent and MisterTorrent lost control over their domains and ExtraTorrent had its .com domain suspended.
So, rest in peace and good morning ExtraTorrent.CC !!

There has been a notice posted on the ET site for many months, indicating that they were planning to move from .com to .ws and there has been no change made to that. So the .cc domain may be a temporary harbor, but at least the site is up and fully functional again.

I have updated the "torrents quick links" in the upper right hand column of the blog.

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