Thursday, October 10, 2013

Andrew Gause - The Real World of Money -- 2013 Oct 09

If the USG Gets Religion and Spends Less Than They Steal Then Andy is Finished. What are the Odds?

Show Highlights
-President Obama will leave office with U.S. 20 Trillion in debt
-The debt limit- Obama Care tango unfolds. Hear Andy’s full in depth analysis right here
-Puerto Rican Bonds are widely invested in because of tax loophole, and they are in bad, bad shape.
-The fine details of how the 85 Billion Dollar QE works
-We’re shocked ! Shell Oil starting to drill in Iraq
-Libya was as much about water as oil and banking
-Hear the story on the new Fed Chairperson, Janet Yellen
-Why did gold, silver and oil go down Wednesday if Yellen is an inflationist?
-The Battle of Waterloo and how the Rothschild’s made billions
-Proof. When the USG says they want to put people to work, they are fibbing.
-The internet is wild with a story that World Bank whistleblower says Hawaii has 170,000 tons of gold stashed. True?
-What are gross profit margins for spaghetti sauce and Prozac
-The U.S. has exit tax
-Silk Road head is in jail and the FBI can’t get at his 80 million dollars of Bitcoins
-Sue learns how the commercial banks also create money to loan to us
-Lehman five years later
and so much more!

Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, The Secret World of Money and Uncle Sam Cooks the Books.

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