Thursday, February 28, 2013

Breaking the Set No. 110 -- 2013 Feb 28 TH

Hactivist Faces 100 Years, You Are What You Eat, Surveillance: Modern Internment

Abby Martin breaks the set on Food Safety, Hactivist Barrett Brown, and Japanese Internment Camps.

On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Jaydee Hanson, Policy Analyst for the Center for Food Safety, about finds of horse meat in the UK, and what this says about the potential for food fraud in the US. Abby then talks to Christian Stork of about the case of online activist, Barrett Brown, and US government's fixation on preemptive prosecution of anyone exposing government wrongdoing. BTS wraps up the show with a look the 71st anniversary of the internment of Japanese people in the US following the attack on Pearl Harbor, and how the growing surveillance state is the modern day internment camp.
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