The Keiser Report No. 223, with Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert -- 2011 Dec 15 TH
This time Max and Stacy discuss re-hypothecating Alec Baldwin's cake and eating it too. And, as Al Capone before him, JP Morgan's Jamie Dimon complains of the thankless task of being a "public benefactor".
The .mp3 in the torrent is audio extracted from the Russia Today video.
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Peter Schiff's Global Investor Newsletter -- December 2011
From Peter's company, Euro-Pacific Capital, Inc.
The Peter Schiff Show -- 2011 Dec 15 TH
Tom Woods is guest hosting The Peter Schiff Show today.
Today's guest Robert Higgs, senior fellow in political economy at the Independent Institute and editor of the Independent Review, on whether a new administration can salvage America's economy.
The second guest is Mark Sisson, fitness author and proprietor of, on why we need to all embrace the caveman lifestyle.
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The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 Dec 15 TH
From the Infowars web site :: On the Thursday, December 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Richard Mack, former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, and founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, about his lawsuit filed in federal court against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for slander, libel and defamation. Mack filed the lawsuit after the SPLC falsely claimed he advocates shooting IRS agents.
Alex also covers the latest news, including the passage yesterday in the House of the draconian National Defense Authorization Act that will allow the military to throw domestic "terrorists" in Camp Gitmo. The bill now moves on to the Senate and ultimately to Obama for signature.
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No Agenda -- episode 365, "Trojan Horse" -- 2011 Dec 15 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary. TOPICS: Ministry of Truth, EUROland, False Flag, Bank$ters, Bullying, Shut Up Slave!, Syria, Gitmo Nation, Haiti, Techno Experts, Drone Nation, NDAA, Human Rights... and much more.
For links to the various stories discussed in this podcast, go to
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Infowars Nightly News -- 2011 Dec 15 TH
Show description from the Infowars web site:
On the Thursday, December 15 edition edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex interviews Gunter Spens, a former member of the East German army and member of Texas Oathkeepers, who has made harrowing comparisons between the totalitarian surveillance state of East Germany and the high-tech totalitarian state now emerging in America.
Co-host Aaron Dykes covers the news, including:
The passage of the authoritarian military dictatorship bill, the NDAA, by the House of Representatives on Wednesday. He talks about Obama’s theatrical about-face after he promised to veto the legislation and implications the bill presents for an all-out war against enemies of the state by the Pentagon on the internet.
The Southern Poverty Law Center’s lies about Sheriff Richard Mack and his decision to sue the propaganda outfit for libel and defamation of character. The SPLC falsely claimed Mack has called for the murder of police officers and IRS agents.
Big Sis, Janet Napolitano, the boss of Homeland Security, has ordered ICE to prepare for a mass influx of illegal aliens and their possible detention as the NDAA bill heads to the Senate and Obama’s desk.
The Geunter Spens interview (recorded in-studio after yesterday's radio show) airs during the last 40 minutes or so of this evening's webcast. Total audio run time is 1:12:25.
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2011 Dec 15 TH
files separated at hour and half-hour breaks, gain normalized, tags added
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 56 kbps, 24 kHz
audio: 56 kbps, 24 kHz
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Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 Dec 15 TH
Alan's links to stories discussed in this evening's show:
China Imposes Tarrifs on Imported US Vehicles
Chirac gets Slap on Wrist for Embezzlement
1 in 2 Americans is Now Poor
Debtor Jail Filling Up
Global Temperature Charts--The Real Ones
& More on Above
Global Warming Debate is Over
Policeman Tasers Schoolgirl in Groin
Study finds 1 in 100 Students Affected by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Carbon Dioxide Has Zero Effect on Global Warming
Conflict of Interest re. Adviser to Stimulus Funds
Congress Authorizes Pentagon to Wage Internet War
Police Raiding Climate Skeptic Bloggers
Electricity Bills Skyrocket
IBM System Monitors Food Supply Chains in China
Kenya--Natives Evicted as US "Charities" buy Land
Aftermath of Iowa Town Raided by Immigration Officials 3 Years Ago
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