What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2011 Dec 06 TU
files separated at hour and half-hour breaks
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 56 kbps, 24 kHz
audio: 56 kbps, 24 kHz
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Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 Dec 06 TU
Alan's links to stories discussed in this evening's show:
US Debt Topped 15 Trillion Dollars in November
Every NHS Patient to be a Research Patient as Private Companies get Access to Everyone's Private Records
FDA Considering Putting Abortion Pill on Supermarket Shelves
Large Government Lobbying Company Secretly Recorded
Why Government is Ramping up Use of Force
China Wants US Assets
Watching the Wheels Come Off Green Machine
New Bloc of Latin-American nations
Chavez Hails New Regional Alliance
Israeli Advertising Campaign Aimed at US Israelis angers Jewish Americans
Sexual Abuse of Children in Hollywood
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The Peter Schiff Show -- 2011 Dec 07 WE
Today's guest is Julian Heicklen, retired Penn State University chemistry professor, on his arrest for distributing leaflets notifying New Yorkers of their rights as jurors.
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The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 Dec 07 WE
Two and a quarter hours after the end of today's radio show broadcast, there are no files [audio OR video] of the show posted in the members' area of prisonplanet.tv. Not only that, but there are STILL no files posted of yesterday's show. See screen capture below.
I am getting somewhat accustomed to not being able to rely on prisonplanet for these files, so I have already been working on editing the Genesis podcast files. I should have the show up, at least with filehost links, within the next 30 minutes or so.
From the Infowars web site :: On this Wednesday, December 7 edition of the Alex Jones Show, journalist and author Webster Tarpley talks about his latest book on the myths of Pearl Harbor. Other books by Webster Tarpley include Obama: The Postmodern Coup - Making of a Manchurian Candidate, 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA and Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide through the Worst Financial Crisis in Human History.
Alex also talks with Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo in-studio. Acevedo was appointed Austin's top cop in 2007.
Alex also covers the latest news, including Infowars.com's breaking story on FEMA internment camps.
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Infowars Nightly News -- 2011 Dec 07 WE
Aaaron Dykes hosts; ends show with a prerecorded interview of Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo by Alex Jones.
Audio run time is 42:10.
Guns and Butter -- 2011 Dec 07 WE
"Sirhan Sirhan and the Assassination of RFK," with Lawrence Teeter.
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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2011 Dec 07 WE
files separated at hour and half-hour breaks
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 56 kbps, 24 kHz
audio: 56 kbps, 24 kHz
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Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 Dec 07 WE
Alan's links to stories discussed in this evening's show:
Canada US --Most Significant Step Since NAFTA
New Rules for Canada-US Border and Policing
North American Security Perimeter
Starvation Recipes Book Selling in Greece
Gorbachev on New World Order
Big Banks Irked as Carbon-Con Trading Stalls
One East Anglia University Lecturer Gives His Students the Rest of the Story
Electromagnetic Wave Attack--Taiwan?
Big Corporations Get off from Paying Taxes
Goldman Sachs Gets off without Paying Taxes to Britain
France and Germany Urge Common Tax "Harmonisation"
Germany Demands Standardization of Vacation Lengths and Retirement Age in Europe
Library of Congress Storing Every Tweet from Social Networking Sites
Climate Skeptics Skydive to Demand Climategate e-mails Not Ignored at Climate Summit
CFACT Skydivers Parachute into Climate Meeting to Demand Leaked E-Mails on Scandal be Debated
Belgian King Appoints Prime Minister
Holland Pushes Envelope on Euthanasia--Government Death Teams will Kill You in Your Home
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