I have contracted what I hope is nothing more than a really nasty cold. I don't know of much else to do about it than to get extra rest and drink plenty of fluids (though I am loading up on Vitamin C). I dearly hope it runs its course quickly, but until then I can only say I will do as much work here as I can.
The Peter Schiff Show -- 2011 Dec 08 TH
Today's guest is Veronique de Rugy, senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center and columnist for Reason Magazine, on why Obama's missing the big picture in Europe, the failed stimulus of infrastructure spending, and why sequestration's impact on defense spending is no big deal.
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No Agenda -- episode 363, "Mothership Uncloaking?" -- 2011 Dec 08 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary. TOPICS: Bullying, Human Rights, EUROland, NDAA, Drone Nation, Elite$, Vaccines, PedoBear, Russian Spring, Haiti, Shut Up Slave!, Syria, Ministry of Truth, Bank$ters, Gitmo Nation, EQ Machine, ACTA... and much more.
For links to the various stories discussed in this podcast, go to http://363.nashownotes.com/shownotes
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The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 Dec 08 TH
From the Infowars web site :: On the Thursday, November 8 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex welcomes back trends forecaster and author Gerald Celente who will talk about the former boss of MF Global, John Corzine, taking the Fifth as Congress fumbles its way through an investigation of the failed company. Celente lost money in the six figure range after MF Global grabbed cash from supposedly segregated customer accounts.
Alex also talks with Lindsey Williams, who as an ordained Baptist minister went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary working for the oil giants. His insider sources in the industry have predicted a number of critical events with startling accuracy. Mr. Williams and Alex will talk about oil and the emerging war situation as the globalists plot to attack Iran.
Just uploading this to the file hosts tonight. It's the Prison Planet "members' edit," the whole-show-in-one-mp3 file, which was made available in a reasonably timely manner today. If anyone wants to upload this to the bit torrent system, feel free.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2011 Dec 08 TH
Alex hosts. Guests: Stewart Rhodes (Oathkeepers) and Floyd Milo (re: WW2 Japanese detention camps in the US).
Audio run time is 1:31:57.
Gah! I hope you're feeling better soon. I'm sadly dependent on your posts for my news/analysis.
I have no idea how many people use your resource, but 1000x thanks from me.
maybe a delayed case of "tuxedo shock syndrome"...a pair of khakis and an old pullover normally sorts it out...all the best bud ;o)
Thanks for the kind words, Anonymous. On the third day I am feeling better than I expected to. I am becoming a real believer in the power of Vitamin C.
Thanks for the advice, roonster. I must confess that during the first two days I treated my illness with sweatpants and an old Homer Simpson tshirt.
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