Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 Dec 01 TH
Alan's links to stories discussed in this evening's show:
Department of Homeland Security--Quest for Total Information Gathering
WikiLeaks Unveils Surveillance Gear Documents of 160 Firms
Document Trove Exposes Surveillance Methods of Governments, Corporations etc.
The Surveillance Catalogue
How to Disable Tracker in Your Phone
AT&T, Sprint Confirm use of Carrier IQ Software on Handsets
Blue Coat Web Control Gear found Being Used by Repressive Regimes
Bill S.1867 Puts Every American at Risk
Privacy is for Paedos---We Have to Hack Your Privacy Because of Them---Oh Sure!
Mayor Bloomberg Says "I Have My Own Army in the NYPD"
Airline Hikes Fare by 600%
Armed US Police Allowed to Operate in Canada
The Tin Blue Line ---New Police Barriers
Warming Delusions and Consequences
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Nomi Prins on Derivatives, Bank Fraud and the Goldman Boys Club -- 2011 Dec 02 FR
From Capital Account today:
Also from today: "Banks are like 'Government-Sponsored Mafias'"
The Peter Schiff Show -- 2011 Dec 02 FR
Today is Free Form Friday, guided by the best callers in talk radio.
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A Caveat for this Evening
The company that Mrs. S works for is having their annual "holiday party" this evening, and since I evaded the last one, I feel obliged to go to this one... even though it's going to be the biggest such gala that I have ever attended (by orders of magnitude), this being the corporate world headquarters.
We will be departing for the event at about the time the Infowars Nightly News show should be starting, and I do not know how late it will be when we return home. Right now I cannot say just how my coverage of that program or the Rivero show or the Watt show will work out. Of course there is the possibility that some nattily-attired security person will bounce me at the entrance for failing to wear a tie.
Wish me luck!
Outrage of the Day! Week? Month? Year?? -- Ron Paul Barred from Dec 7 Debate
As reported by Reason:
On Wednesday, Dec. 7, the Republican Jewish Coalition will host a presidential-candidates forum featuring Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum. Not invited is the GOP candidate currently polling around third in New Hampshire and second in Iowa: Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas). The explanation:
Paul was not invited to attend the RJC's candidates forum because the organization - as it has stated numerous times in the past - "rejects his misguided and extreme views," said [RJC Executive Director Matt] Brooks.
"He's just so far outside of the mainstream of the Republican party and this organization," Brooks said. Inviting Paul to attend would be "like inviting Barack Obama to speak."
Since reading this, the air around my desk has been filled with more angry expletives than I thought I knew.
Read the whole Reason article here.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 Dec 02 FR
From the Infowars web site :: On the Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with author and journalist Nomi Prins. She is a former managing director of Goldman Sachs and a Bears Stearns analyst. On December 1, she wrote for about the Federal Reserve's continuation of bailout economics and protecting US mega-banks from losses incurred by European banks through derivatives. Prins is the author of It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bonuses, Bailouts, and Backroom Deals from Washington to Wall Street.
I am including in this torrent the most recent issue of Chapman's The International Forecaster [via rdubya at ConCen].
Nomi Prins is a terrific writer. Please enjoy these two recent articles by her.
As the World Crumbles: the ECB spins, FED smirks, and US Banks Pillage
The Fed’s European "Rescue": Another back-door US Bank / Goldman bailout?
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1 comment:
National Director of the Anti Defamation League, Abe Foxman, unintentionally nailed Ron Paul, U.S. politics, and Israel when he said:
with the exception of Ron Paul, there is not much difference between the parties
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