Corporate "Holiday Party" Update
I have now experienced for the first time what it is like to be THE most under-dressed person at an event attended by approximately 1,000 people -- even though I was wearing essentially the best clothes that I have.
The emailed invitation called for "cocktail attire." Evidently, for men, that means suit and tie. As I sat outside the hotel ballroom where the party was taking place, I did my own survey of men leaving that room to go to the restroom, have pictures taken, etc.. Of the first 100 I saw after dropping Mrs. S off at a table of her co-workers, 94 wore suit and tie or blazer and tie... 5 wore a dress shirt and tie... 1 wore a dress shirt without tie (and he was better dressed than me: in khakis and a simple gray pullover shirt.
All my life I've heard the cliche "clothes make the man." Apparently for a whole lot of people those are words to live by. I am reminded of those stories that run on TV from time to time of a normally lean, fit woman who gets outfitted with a "fat suit" to make her appear grossly obese. She is then recorded in everyday social situations and everyone winds up aghast at how very differently the fat version of her is treated.
Since only a couple of people in this very large crowd knew me, everyone else interacted with me based on the only information immediately available to the eye -- overweight and under-dressed. As soon as I saw the disparity between what I wore and what all the rest were wearing, I knew what to expect. I am not emotionally scarred by the experience, but I did learn from it. The next event to which we are invited that specifies cocktail attire or something similar, will need to be attended by Mrs. S alone, or not at all. I have much better ways to invest a few hours.
Sincere thanks to those who commented with kind words. For me, I now consider the subject closed.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2011 Dec 02 FR
Aaron Dykes hosts. Guest: the always super-well-informed Pepe Escobar.
Audio run time is 53:03.
World Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley -- Dec 03 SA
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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2011 Dec 02 FR
files separated at hour and half-hour breaks
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 56 kbps, 24 kHz
audio: 56 kbps, 24 kHz
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On the Edge with Max Keiser -- 2011 Dec 02 FR
In this edition of On the Edge, Max interviews Yanis Varoufakis from He talks about the deteriorating situation in Greece economically and politically and what is happening in Italy and how that will impact Greece.
Yanis Varoufakis is an economist who heads the Department of Economic Policy at the University of Athens.
The .mp3 in the torrent is extracted audio from the Press TV video. You can watch the video here:
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Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 Dec 02 FR
Alan's links to stories discussed in this evening's show:
Gene-Specific Bio-Weapons, the US and UK
Patients to be Bar-coded Like Products at a Supermarket
Leading Surgeon Resigns from NHS after More Spending Cuts
European Central Bank Wants Deeper EU Integration
EURO--Deeper Integration Called for to "Save the Euro"
Pentagon Does Business With "Shady Rivals"
Big Pharma gets into Booze Business---Soma
The American Dream--Pharmacologically Created
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don't worry about it mate, you were there that's what counts. Oh by the way, thanks for all your work on this blog. You are a star.
Congratulations on being the only one with common sense to not overdress
Don't sweat it. In fact, that's just evidence that you're one of us. When I left the corporate world about eight years ago (after having had enough of the duplicity and corruption) and struck out on my own, I grew my hair and beard out just so I wouldn't be mistaken for one of them. I've only worn a suit twice since then (both times to funerals).
As far as I'm concerned, your underdressed-ness is part of your bona fides.
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