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Reality Check: DNC Runs Over Delegates With Scripted Platform Vote; FLASHBACK - DAY OF INFAMY - TREASON AND DISLOYALTY BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT;Occupy Protester Charged With Attempted Bank Robbery For Holding Protest Sign Saying: 'You Are Being Robbed';Syria Rebels Declare Civilian Aircraft Legitimate Targets;WATCHING SYRIA, REMEMBERING NICARAGUA;US sends more spies, diplomats to Turkish-Syrian border;Iraq Demands Evidence of Iran Shipping Arms to Syria;Declassified CIA document reveals US analytic errors before Iraq war;BEX alert - Vladimir Putin flies with cranes, likes orgies;US-backed opposition devises plots to destabilize Venezuela;Venezuela Holds U.S. Vessel And Crew On Suspicion Of Arms Trafficking;Clinton Met With Friction From Antagonized China;FED SET TO PUMP: Jobs growth brakes in August, seen forcing Fed's hand ;Jimmy Rogers: 'The Fed Has ALREADY Started QE3, Bernanke Is Secretly Printing Right Now';Economy is getting worse, warns OECD: As forecast is cut, ministers say there's no quick fix;California Spending More On Prisons Than Colleges, Report Says ;Greeks stage mock hangings in protest at austerity measures as European Central Bank riles Germans with euro debt plan;Judge Says 10 Rare Gold Coins Worth $80 Million Belong to Uncle Sam;U.S. judge blocks new restrictions on Guantanamo lawyers;Canadian church endorses boycott of Israeli products;Streaming Video's Robotic Overlords;Copyright Trolls' Bogus "Negligence" Theory Thrown Out Of Court Again;Media Begins Attacking Organic Food Consumers Following Flawed Study;Anger as US inspectors target Swiss chocolate;Doctor charged with 8 counts of manslaughter;Tepco Official in Washington DC: We don't know location of melted fuel from Fukushima reactors;FLASHBACK - 3 nuclear reactors melted down after quake, Japan confirms
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