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U.S. Ambassador Rice stands with administration in saying anti-Muslim video sparked violence;Netanyahu: Iran close to nuke capability;Iran on brink of nuclear bomb in six-seven months: Netanyahu;Netanyahu in 1992: Iran close to having nuclear bomb;Netanyahu compares Iran to Timothy McVeigh;Hillary & Bernard;ABC News Reporter Makes Specious Claim That Iran Is Capable Of Producing Nuclear Weapons In Four Weeks;Cover-Up?: Libyan President Indicates U.S. Knew Date And Time Of Embassy Attack In Advance...;War of words over deadly raid: Libya claims U.S. was warned THREE DAYS in advance of consulate attacks but America says assault was NOT planned;The MSM is lying about the muslim riots Protest were planned weeks BEFORE the youtube film was in arabic;Amid uneasy calm in Cairo, prime minister says some were paid to protest;Maddow reveals `chilling' WikiLeaks cable written by killed ambassador to Libya;Israel/Palestine issue is source of Muslim mistrust of US, but NYT and NBC can't touch that one;DHS Warns Muslim Brotherhood and Iran Forming New "Terror Axis";3 Reasons the US and Israel are Lying About Iran;Iranian Lawmaker and US Presidential Candidate: Support of Israel a Precondition to Be Allowed as US President;Largest Shipload of Libyan Weapons Heading to Armed Groups in Syria;Santorum fundraising off of Middle East unrest;Report: US Positioning Forces in as Many as 18 Locations;NATO admits killing civilians in Afghan strike;Damascus accuses Turkey of letting mujahideen cross into Syria;"Secret" Syria strike helps Israel signal resolve on Iran;Israel not entitled to 'veto' Berlin's decisions: German defence minister;Aging U.S. nuclear arsenal slated for costly and long-delayed modernization;Japanese firms in China suspend operations;1000 Chinese Boats Now Setting Sail Towards Disputed Islands;New Ambassador to China Dies in Tokyo -- Found lying unconscious on street -- Official: Death had "nothing to do with any accident or anti-Japanese demonstrations";Mass Protest In Spain Against Authoritarian Austerity (VIDEO, PHOTO);JPMorgan faces money laundering probe: source;Controversial payday lender Wonga makes a mint out of cash-strapped consumers as number of loans last year rose nearly 300%;How QE3 Will Make The Wealthy Even Wealthier While Causing Living Standards To Fall For The Rest Of Us;If You Think The Stock Market Appreciated After QE3, You Were Duped; Obama's Lawyers Appeal Court Ordered Block Against NDAA Indefinite Detention Provision ;FBI agents have been monitoring Occupy Oakland / San Francisco - FED's cite National Security in FOIA Release;Maryland Residents Are Sick Of Being Spied On And Tearing Down Police Cameras;Israel rules out peace deal unless refugees get compensation;German court tosses conviction of Holocaust-denying bishop;Big Pharma pushes doctors to overprescribe drugs, study finds;Global warming: the heat's back on;Families facing £2,000 bills for green heating 'that does not work in Britain';Why Are We Being Kept in the Dark Over GMOs? ;France Maintains Key Ban on Monsanto's GMO Maize Crops;Are experimental vaccines for soldiers causing premature aging? ;Children Born To Parents Who Eat Genetically Modified Wheat May Die Before The Age Of Five;GMO red alert: GM wheat may cause liver failure, warn scientists ;Controversial 'naked' airport body scanners to be scrapped after failing to receive European approval;French 3 Strikes: Court Fines First File-Sharer, Even Though He's Innocent;Tombstone man gets 292 years in molestation case;Boy Scouts helped alleged molesters cover tracks, files show
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