Torrent cache links:Obama Refers to Israel Concern Over Iran as 'Noise'--
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Rivero is a lot better than Alex Jones on getting to the facts. Jones never mentions anything negative about Israel and has lost credibility to me. Not to mention the Mark Dice dust up.
Look, let me explain something to you. The problem is not Israel, the jews, or even the Zionist, but it is the leaders of the Zionist, the leaders of the Catholics, the leaders of America. All of the above are funded by the central bankers who are owned by the Rothschilds and Rockerfellers. The other major players are the Vatican, the European royalty. Why not go to the root, to the head and start there. Why focus on some low level minions like the Jews, the Catholics, or even the Zionist and Obama. Thats what Alex does,goes straight to the heart of the problem. It's not about race religion, or even politics. Its about money, power, and control centralized in a very few hands. Focus on the idea, the very top leadership first, worry about the minor bad guys last. Cut of their head and their financing and you solve 99% of the problems. Thank You
Look, it is not about the Jews, Israel, or even the Zionist. It's about the international bankers and their owners the Rothschilds and Rockerfellers. Alex puts his focus on them and not the lessor maleficent minions that they finance and without whom they could not exist such as our military empire posted in over 140 countries and doing battle with the poorest non-cooperative of those. Why start at the feet when if you cut off the head and the eliminate the financiers you solve 99% of the problem. That's what Alex does and it is more effective than attacking some race, religion, or even political entity.
Look, it is not about the Jews, Israel, or even the Zionist. It's about the international bankers and their owners the Rothschilds and Rockerfellers. Alex puts his focus on them and not the lessor maleficent minions that they finance and without whom they could not exist such as our military empire posted in over 140 countries and doing battle with the poorest non-cooperative of those. Why start at the feet when if you cut off the head and the eliminate the financiers you solve 99% of the problem. That's what Alex does and it is more effective than attacking some race.
Dear blog owner,, this has to be the worst posting client you could have chosen to allow comments. Very frustrating and "your comment has been saved adn will be visible after blog owner approval should be posted at the bottom where it says "Publish your comment. I posted three times before i realized that it will not publish automatically. Maybe this is the fault of the blogger site you use. Their system leaves much to be desired and is not very user friendly or intuitive.. Thank you
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