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Ron Paul on Jay Leno, Rules Out Third Party Run as Liberty Movement Hits The Tonight Show ; By Snubbing Ron Paul, the RNC May Have Cost Romney the Election; Chuck Norris WARNS 1000 years Of Anti-Christ Darkness If Obama Wins;Syria Regime, Rebels Both Reject Negotiations;Source: Al-Qaeda-Trained Terrorists Sent to Syria from Waziristan;Obama Honors Saudi Imam For Putting Bounty On Assad's Head;Syrian minister accuses Mossad of assassinating Syrians;US: Iran Arming Syria Through Iraqi Airspace;Revealed: US flew spy drone missions from Australia;CNN bans own documentary critical of Bahraini regime;CIA Director reportedly in Turkey for secret talks;Israel tries to ease differences with US over Iran;Hot off the (Israeli) press;Netanyahu adjourns Iran security meeting over leak;US-Led Iran Sanctions Blocking Medical Treatment to Thousands of Infirm;Senior U.S. intelligence official: Israel won't strike Iran before November;War crime about to happen: U.S. reveals plan to bomb Iran's civilian power grid; Dangerous Crossroads: America Pressures ASEAN Bloc to Contain China;China Warns US to Stay Out of South China Sea Dispute; Clinton Meeting with Xi Cancelled ;US-Saudi Backed Al Qaeda Proxy Cells Now Waging Jihad Against Russia;Jim Willie: 60,000 Metric Tons of ALLOCATED Gold Likely Used by Cartel to Settle Asian Margin Calls;EU Outlook Cut by Moody's on Germany, France, U.K. Risks;Gina Rinehart calls for Australian wage cut;Depression, Suicides Rise as Euro Debt Crisis Intensifies;Businesswoman in her 30s plunges 80ft to her death from top City restaurant that has become a suicide spot for bankers;Salvation Army Bed And Bread Trucks' Mobile Soup Kitchens Feed Detroit's Homeless 365 Days A Year ;Stealth Corporate Coup d'Etat;Media Cartels and the "Intellectual Property" Racket;Police have identified another 3,706 potential victims of illegal eavesdropping by journalists working for Rupert Murdoch's London media empire;Blaming the VictimThe Rachel Corrie Verdict;California Passes Resolution Defining Criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism;Israel's lynch mob violence;Israeli Settlers Attack Catholic Monastery in `Price Tag' Strike;Article Debunking Organic Food Hit Piece Targeted by Massive Cyber Attack;Powerful earthquake rocks Costa Rican capital San Jose;Worst Swedish summer in 12 years;Tepco admits "We fabricated part of the photo";United States Circumvented Laws To Help Japan Accumulate Tons of Plutonium;FDA Turns South Floridians into Human Guinea Pigs;GP banned for prescribing gay 'cure' ;Compiled Proof that Natural Healing is Embedded in Nature, Natural Foods;Bombshell: Gov't agrees with blogs, BP not telling truth about devastation in Gulf -- "It's hard to stress the critical importance of these court filings"
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