Someone really needs to explain to Mike that Keynesian is not pronounced "cuh-NEEZ-e-un."
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Now Hiring Blog Posters - Get Paid Immediately! ;Norway writes down 90% of populations mortgage debt;30 AUGUST 201 Economic Violence: Verizon screws customers with refurb phones & quasi criminal contracts.;Maine Delegation In Unison Walks Out Of Republican National Convention After Ron Paul Tribute;Michael Steele: "What the RNC did to Ron Paul was the height of rudeness and stupidity.";100% Proof US Elections Are Staged: RNC Teleprompter Had Vote Result Before Vote Was Taken;Neo-Con Rudy Giuliani: Ron Paul is 'dangerous on foreign policy';Jim Rogers - None of the candidates have clue except Ron Paul;Ron Paul Renounces GOP As Keynesians, `NOT HIS PARTY'- Independent Run Imminent?;Very Important - Ron Paul has to hear "People want him to run, Independently" He doesn't know the amount of people for him... I got this from the Conference call;Now Mitt Romney's former firm Bain Capital faces Attorney General investigation over dodging MILLIONS in taxes;Republican Platform Calls for Value-added Tax Scheme;Veterans Demanded That Flag With President Obama's Face be Taken Down From Florida Democratic HQ;Bernanke's Latest: LSAP Replaces QE;Credit card lending sees biggest drop in six years as consumers pay off debts;Italian Government Debt Might Wreck World's Oldest Bank;China Launching Gold Backed Worldwide Currency - Now the Americans will have to find a reason to go to war against China !!;Ulster Bank customers blast £20 compensation scheme;US disowns Israel over Iran strike: No weapons or military backup;DEBKAfile launches next stage of Netanyahu anti-Iran propaganda; Iran enriching to 65%;IAEA Report Shows Iran Reduced Its Breakout Capacity;'It shows the grittiness of war': Mother of shot Army officer reveals why she allowed his final moments to be shown on television;Egypt: Our Submarines Are None of Israel's Business;Hungarian government stops payments to Holocaust survivors: demands a return of payments made;Woman dies after genital kick from LAPD officer;LAPD Commanding Officer "Downgraded" in Wake of Alleged Rough Arrest;Police Shoot and Kill Escaping Hostage ;The wettest and now the COLDEST! Britons left shivering as temperatures plunge to -2C ... as we braved the chilliest summer's night for 40 YEARS;Flashback: 'Frightening' projection for Arctic melt;New blockbuster paper finds man-made CO2 is not the driver of global warming ;Why Half of America May Have Impaired Brain Function by 2030 ;More vaccine failures - Lethal poultry virus strains caused by gene-swapping vaccines;Dirty tricks: Bill Gates to target anti-vaccine advocates with smear campaign;11billion miles from home: Incredible images taken from Voyager 1 show Earth as tiny dot as the spacecraft prepares to cross solar system's final frontier into interstellar space
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