The Keiser Report No. 172, with Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert -- [RT] 2011 Aug 11 TH
This time Max and Stacy imagine a world in which U.S. President Barack Obama were to pull a reverse Richard Nixon and put the U.S. back onto a gold standard against which it could devalue its debts. In the second half of the show Max talks to money manager, author and radio show host, Peter Schiff, about debt ceilings, downgrades and gold standards.
The .mp3 in the torrent is audio extracted from the Russia Today video.
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The Peter Schiff Show -- 2011 Aug 11 TH
Today's guest is Ronald Kessler, New York Times best-selling author, on his latest book, The Secrets of the FBI.
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Still unable to upload to Demonoid.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 Aug 11 TH
From the Infowars web site :: Alex talks to Danny Panzella of TruthSquadTV. On June 22nd, Panzella held an End the Fed rally on Wall Street. Around 40 cops showed up for the political event, leading Panzella to conclude that the government is monitoring announcements on his Facebook page.
Alex also talks about the crash and burn economy and the political fallout from the British riots.
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No Agenda -- episode 328, "Pounding the Pavement" -- 2011 Aug 11 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary. TOPICS: Elite$, Pedobear, Shadow Puppet Theater, False Flag, Arab Spring, British Spring, Yankee Spring, Gitmo Nation, Shut Up Slave, MK Ultra, Oil Cabal, China... and much more.
For links to the various stories discussed in this podcast, go to
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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2011 Aug 11 TH
files separated at hour and half-hour breaks
audio: 32 kbps, 11 kHz
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Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 Aug 11 TH
Remember, Listen, Roll the Old Cornea,
Managing Masses an Ancient Formula:
"There's an Old Elite, Brazen with Audacity,
Which Brought Immigration Beyond Carrying Capacity,
At the Time When Unemployment Hit the Top
Encouragement of Immigration Did Not Stop,
Crime, Violence and Fear and Hate,
Brought Permanent Authoritarian Welfare State,
The Chessboard Has its Players and Pawns,
Pawns are Left Brewing till Time Comes Along
When Pent-Up Rage is Allowed its Day,
The Outcome, This Police State is Here to Stay,
Such an Old Formula is Used by the Elite
So the Son's Guaranteed Father's Government Seat"
© Alan Watt Aug. 11, 2011
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Alan's links to stories discussed in this evening's show:
The US Plan to Deal With Riots
US Intel. Receives Data from Google
Temporary Tattoo to Monitor You
Hacktivists, Facebook and November 5
Britain---England's Dirty Whitehall
Al Gore Calls for an "American Spring"
School Ethics Course Linked to Nazism
CIA Allowed to Destroy Evidence Tapes
Podesta Lobbying Firm--For Getting What You Want Done in Washington
San Diego Police Become Intelligence Players
US---USDA, Rural Council, the UN and Agenda 21
Big Pharma's Push to Drug Children
Britain--Riots--"Saw it Coming" Video
Max Keiser: WW3 is on as Wall St. Banks Plunder Economy -- [RT] 2011 Aug 11 TH
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