The Peter Schiff Show -- 2011 Aug 04 TH
Today's guest is Judge Andrew Napolitano, host of Fox Business's "Freedom Watch," on the 14th Amendment, debt limits, and the constitutionality of a "Super Committee."
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The Keiser Report No. 170, with Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert -- Aug 04 TH
This time Max and Stacy report from New York City. They discuss the exorbitant privilege America is about to lose. They look at football players with AAA credit ratings and at Apple's cash stockpile bigger than America's.
The .mp3 in the torrent is audio extracted from the Russia Today video.
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The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 Aug 04 TH
From the Infowars web site :: Alex talks with Grammy Award winning rapper Prodigy, who is one half of the hip-hop duo Mobb Deep and has spoken out on the Illuminati and secret societies.
Alex also talks with Katherine Albrecht, the founder of CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering), a national consumer organization created in 1999 to educate consumer-citizens about shopper surveillance. She is the host of "The Dr. Katherine Albrecht show" on the GCN Radio network.
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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2011 Aug 04 TH
files separated at hour and half-hour breaks
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 32 kbps, 22 kHz Torrent cache links:--
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Alex Jones Special Report with Gerald Celente and Mike Adams -- 2011 Aug 04 TH
This week's Thursday night special began a half-hour late, but certainly had better audio than last week's. This is the audio recorded from the streaming video. Total run time is 58 minutes. Celente is on approximately 9:30 through 40:00. Adams is on from 43:30 through 56:00.
Audio: 64 kbps, 44.1 kHz
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No Agenda -- episode 327, "Aromatic Poo" -- Aug 04 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary. TOPICS: Elite$, Trains-Good-Planes-Bad, Bank$ters, Vaccines, Shadow Puppet Theater, Bio Wars, Food, Arab Spring, Gitmo Nation, Ministry of Truth, False Flag, Pedobear, Cyber War$, Techno Experts, Monsanto, Oil Cabal... and much more.
For links to the various stories discussed in this podcast, go to
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Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 Aug 04 TH
Money Boys Who Manage the Carnage:
"The News Today says World Imploding,
Nations' Money Presses Hot with Reloading,
Of Course Experts are Taken by Surprise
As Banking Spin-Merchants Pour Out Lies,
But, Wait and See, There'll Be a World Meeting
Of All the Wise Men Who're Fat from Feeding
On the World's Naive for Many a Century,
Their Crimes Deserve Life Penitentiary,
However, They'll Come Up with a New Solution,
The World Bank in Charge of All Devolution
And the IMF to Rig All the Books,
They're Good at Cooking These Men in Suits,
Austerity for All, Except for Themselves,
These Gnomic Creatures, Or are They Elves?
Out of Chaos, More Order Regardless of Damage,
Gnomes say God Left Them Eden to Manage"
© Alan Watt Aug. 4, 2011
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whats with AJ bringing on retired rappers and rock stars lately. Who cares what the singer of minisrty or some random rapper's opinions are
He has long been attracted to celebrities of any level. I cringe every time I remember when he had Spencer and Heidi on during their 15 minutes of fame, and how they talked about doing a rap album that they were going to title Endgame.
Most people not aware of the real world are celebrity obsessed. I used the interview with prodigy and Alex and played it in front of some rap fans at work and they are now AJ fans and are receiving his information. Its works and that is the reason for celeb exposure.
I full agree with that assessment. Unfortunately celebs will help draw people in. The thing is, I don't think that is the only reason AJ does that. Sadly, I believe that AJ love's the [ego massage] that having celebs on the show gives him. As if the man needs any more reasons to brag about himself. I almost couldn't listen to his Sunday show this week because he was bragging so much about predicting the recent economic downgrade as well as the seal teams getting killed. I wish he spent less time patting himself on the back, and that has always been a major beef I have had with AJ.
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