The Peter Schiff Show -- 2011 Aug 01 MO
Today's guest is Daniel Mitchell, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, with the latest on Debtpocalypse 2011.
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The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 Aug 01 MO
From the Infowars web site :: Alex talks with Lyndon LaRouche, who has called for "the immediate jailing of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and President Barack Obama for their role in a massive theft of taxpayers money, in the 2008 bailout of Wall Street and London, and the ongoing pledge to continue the bailout of the hopelessly bankrupt European Monetary Union and Wall Street."
Alex also runs down the latest news on the economy and the gun-grabbers in the government.
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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2011 Aug 01 MO
Unfortunately I am not presently able to upload this evening's Rivero show. There are no files on the page where I normally find zapoper's releases, and I am unable to download the files that do appear on the What Really Happened page of RenseRadio's Host Archive.
I really have no clue as to what the problem is with downloading from there, but I have never been successful and I have tried with three different browsers!
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 Aug 01 MO
Ageing Politicians, the Dear Old Sweeties,
Sold Everyone Out with Debt and Treaties:
"Governments Argue About Trillions, Public Turn Pale,
And via WTO, Countries are Up for Sale,
It Starts with a Chunk Here and There,
Then Firesale Continues "Till the Cupboard is Bare",
Quigley's New Feudal Overlords are in Position,
Peasants are Uneasy of This World in Transition,
Most Proles Sense it Coming, Some Choose Denial,
Wishing for Miracles from Bankers of Belial,
Most Really Hope They won't Get Much Strife,
Live to the End without Altering Their Life,
Selfishness Leaves it to the Next Generation,
"I'm Alright Jack, Let Them Get Vexation,"
Apathy and Propaganda Target the Hopeless
In the Global War Making Proles All Homeless"
© Alan Watt Aug. 1, 2011
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I apologize for being late. That usually aint my style. Here is Rivero:
thanks for the WRH link
nice one!, thanks zapoper...much appeciated ;o)
Thanks very much, zapoper. You keep the bar set very high!
oh i'm sorry, i should have put this here. i never posted to a blog before.
your problem with down loading Mike Rivero from the Rense site
i had a problem with that too.
it kept wanting to only open the file.
firefox was set up to NOT give me a choice for that file type
open options in firefox
go to applications tab
in the content type column scroll down to...
MP3 Format Sound (audio/mpeg)
click on the Action column causing it to highlight
click on the down arrow opening the drop down box
choose always ask
now when you click those links it should ask you to open the file OR save the file
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