I have been an irregular listener of the Lew Rockwell podcasts over the last couple of years. Having heard THIS one, though, I intend to start keeping up more diligently. If others are half as good as this one, they'll be worth my time (and, I would suggest, yours).
"Bloodthirsty Neocons and the American Future" Lew Rockwell interviews Karen Kwaitkowski.
Neoconservatives speak of democracy and freedom. They deliver wars and bigger government. They itch to build permanent bases in Afghanistan and Iraq, to attack Iran, to stir up hatred of the Muslim Other, to topple a government they don’t like, and to use WMD. But they may finally be stymied by the economic collapse of the empire.
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The Alex Jones Show -- Jan 13 TH
Alex welcomes back to the show author, pop culture critic, and conservative political activist Mark Dice. Mark will talk about Brad Metzler's Decoded television series and the symbolism of the Statue of Liberty. Dice is the author of The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction, available at the Infowars Store. Other available titles include The New World Order: Facts & Fiction and The Resistance Manifesto.
Today's show is extended about 30 minutes into a 4th hour.
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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- Jan 13 TH
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No Agenda -- episode 269, "Time Warner Sucks" -- Jan 13 TH
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Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- Jan 13 TH
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The Peter Schiff Show -- Jan 13 TH
Tonight's guest is Nicole Gelinas, the Manhattan Institute's Searle Freedom Trust fellow & the author of "After the Fall: Saving Capitalism from Wall Street -- and Washington," on why Goldman Sach's Facebook acquisition is bad for free enterprise.
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Deadline LIVE with Jack Blood - 2011 Jan 13 TH [gedude/zapoper]
gedude: entire show in one 48k bitrate .mp3
zapoper: entire show in one 64k bitrate .mp3
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The Keiser Report No. 112, with Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert -- Jan 13 TH
Schizo-Psycho-Bermuda-flation! This time Max and Stacy talk about the deepening crisis trapping America's poor and the trouble with maize prices in Mexico. In the second half of the show, Max talks to economist and author, Steve Keen, about the dangers of Minsky moments and neoclassical economists.
The .mp3 is audio extracted from the Russia Today video. You can watch the video online at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIucD-tX2_E
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Thanks buddy for keepin' these shows going! Also MUCH THANKS for including Deadline LIVE with Jack Blood.
That Lew Rockwell interview was a home run!
Thanks for posting this stuff. So many shows I hadn't heard before. Came initially for the AJ stuff and am grateful for the broader scope.
Bless you and keep up the good work. I know you put a lot of time and effort into this. It's worth it.
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