Max's guest for this show is Karl Denninger who is the founder of Karl gives some predictions on the US economy in the New Year. He is downbeat and forecasts a terrible year for the housing, banking and myriad of sectors. He says the Europe would also disintegrate and says people there will have a weaker euro in parity with the dollar. China will also break the peg and people would see a rise in commodity price, bubble assets and less export to the US.
http://market-ticker.orgThe .mp3 is extracted audio from the Press TV video. You can watch the video at these links: part 1 of 3 part 2 of 3 part 3 of 3
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The Alex Jones Show -- Jan 03 MO
Canadian author, blogger, and philosopher Stefan Molyneux of joins the show to discuss several key issues. Big Pharma is preparing to exploit the new swine flu scare, news on the economy, and more.
Ted Anderson from approximately 14-23:00 in hour 3.
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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- Jan 03 MO
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Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- Jan 03 MO
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The Peter Schiff Show -- Jan 03 MO
Peter's first show since Christmas is a good one, IMHO.
Tonight's guest is Rick Santelli, Chicago-based CNBC correspondent, on the fight over raising the debt ceiling, where interest rates are headed in 2011, and whether the tea-party movement he fathered will have any impact in the new Congress.
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Deadline LIVE with Jack Blood - 2011 Jan 03 MO [gedude/zapoper]
gedude: entire show in one 48k bitrate .mp3
zapoper: entire show in one 64k bitrate .mp3
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Direct-download link [zapoper]:
1 comment:
Thank you for the Peter Schiff show. I am going to start reading his book Crash Proof 2.0 tonight. I really enjoyed his book on how an economy grows.
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