United States and the Deathly Deficit! This time Max and Stacy talk about the scandals of the US deficit ceiling insanity defense and about the US diplomats acting as a Boeing sales force. We read comments on a 'progressive' website that sees nothing insane in the US dollar and a 14 trillion dollar deficit but mocks the calls for a return to a gold and silver standard as a wacky idea. In the second half, Max talks to J.S. Kim about game theory and gold standards.
The .mp3 is audio extracted from the Russia Today video. I am including the video in the torrent, but if you would rather not download that file, you can watch the video online at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgzOoiOpQaA
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The Alex Jones Show -- Jan 06 TH
Alex welcomes back to the show Alan Watt, a long-term researcher on the New World Order and into the causative forces behind major changes in historical development. With historical documentation, he shows how cultures are created and altered by those in control, always to lead the people like sheep into the next pasture. Alex also talks with meteorologist and astrophysicist Piers Corbyn. He is the owner of Weather Action which makes weather forecasts up to a year in advance. Corbyn is well-known for his opposition to the idea of anthropogenic global warming.
Today's broadcast goes into a full 4th hour.
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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- Jan 06 TH
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Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- Jan 06 TH
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No Agenda -- episode 267, "What's My Line?" -- Jan 06 TH
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The Peter Schiff Show -- Jan 06 TH
Tonight's guest is Walter Williams, professor of economics at George Mason University and regular Rush Limbaugh Show guest host, on his latest book, Up from the Projects: An Autobiography.
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Deadline LIVE with Jack Blood - 2011 Jan 06 TH [gedude/zapoper]
gedude: entire show in one 48k bitrate .mp3
zapoper: entire show in one 64k bitrate .mp3
gedude's summary ::
In the second hour the Legend, Jordan Maxwell joins Deadline LIVE to discuss the times we are in. Nothing is as you believe it to be!
Torrent link [gedude]:
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Direct-download link [zapoper]:
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