Freedom and Plutocracy! This week Max and Stacy talk about the US State Department's genetically modified retaliation against France, more missing billions in Afghanistan and shopping frenzies in Britain. In the second half of the show, Max talks to author and blogger, James Howard Kunstler, about shopping stampedes and revolutionary times.
The .mp3 is audio extracted from the Russia Today video. I am including the video in the torrent, but if you would rather not download that file, you can watch the video online at:
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I continue to be unsuccessful uploading to Demonoid.
The Alex Jones Show -- Jan 04 TU
Alex will cover the latest on several key issues including birds dropping from the sky over Louisianna, the economy, an assault on pension funds, the latest in the war on terror, and more. Investigative journalist, author, and syndicated columnist Wayne Madsen joins the show to talk about Operation Gladio. Radio and television host Max Keiser of the Keiser Report joins Alex to discuss his predictions for 2011, the latest on his silver campaign, and more. Alex also covers the news and takes your calls.
Today's show is going into a full 4th hour to continue the conversation with Max Keiser.
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I have been without heat for more than 16 hours and just now [2:21 p.m. CST] received a call from a technician who is supposedly on his way here to hopefully fix the furnace. I don't know how long I will be away from the computer dealing with this, but there is a possibility that Jones and Rivero uploads may be delayed somewhat. I will complete them a.s.a.p.
Indoor temperature had fallen to 55F, so I wasn't freezing to death... yet. Having heat once again is a nice thing, though!
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- Jan 04 TU
Mike had net connection problems at the end of the 1st half of hour 1.
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I have uploaded The AJ Show today at and megaupload for those who may be patiently awaiting your post, here is the megaupload link
Hope you get some heat going Sebaygo1!
Thanks for picking up the slack, Hippie.
I am going to go ahead and catch up with my usual Tuesday line-up, even though it is much behind schedule, just to stay consistent if nothing else.
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