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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- Jan 31 MO
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The Alex Jones Show -- Jan 31 MO
Alex talks about the evolving situation in Egypt with author and host of GCN's World Crisis Radio, Webster Tarpley. He is author of Obama: The Postmodern Coup, Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography and Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide through the Worst Financial Crisis in Human History.
Alex also talks with film-maker, broadcaster and former broker and options trader Max Keiser. He is the host of On The Edge and The Keiser Report.
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The Peter Schiff Show -- Jan 31 MO
Monday's guest is Eric "The Admiral" Bolling, host of Fox Business' Follow the Money and panelist on "Bulls & Bears," on whether Bernanke's to blame for Egypt's rapid dissolution, and how the turmoil's impacting global markets.
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No Agenda -- episode 274, "Gaga vs. Bieber" -- Jan 30 SU
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The Alex Jones Show -- Jan 30 SU
In this important Sunday edition, British surgeon and researcher Dr. Andrew Wakefield joins Alex in studio for an in-depth interview.
An Egyptian revolution is underway and the government has caused a telephone and internet blackout. Is this a glimpse at what's ahead for America?
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The Schiff Report -- Jan 28 FR
Peter Schiff's most recent video blog.
If the embedded video does not play, go here.