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Syria loads chemical weapons into bombs; military awaits Assad's order
The Syrian military is prepared to use chemical weapons against its own people and is awaiting final orders from President Bashar Assad, U.S. officials told NBC News on Wednesday.
BULL BISCUITS! This is just a repeat of the Saddam's nuclear weapons lie used to start that war.
This will backfire on the US. As soon as they stage a false-flag attack on the Syrians using chemical weapons they hand Iran the perfect political justification to abandon the mutual defense treaty and stay out of Syria.
From this, we may deduce that the US/Israeli plan is for more than one false-flag attack, with the chemical weapons false-flag in Syria to be followed by an attack on a US ship in the Arabian Sea to be blamed on Iran
Washington Floats Chemical Weapons Charge as Pretext for Syria Buildup
The Obama administration and the corporate media have cited unspecified "intelligence" about the movement of chemical weapons to issue new threats of direct intervention in Syria, where Washington and its allies have been backing so-called "rebels" in a bid to topple the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.
President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton both made public statements Monday alleging a danger of Syria using chemical weapons and threatening US retaliation.
Appearing before a military audience at the National Defense University in Fort McNair, Obama declared, "I want to make it absolutely clear to Assad and anyone who is under his command... If you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons there will be consequences and you will be held accountable."
"This is a red line for the United States," Clinton said earlier in the day after a meeting in Prague with Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg.
Pretty strong words for the government that gassed a church full of women and children to death with a poison gas that is illegal to use against enemy troops down in Waco, Texas!
U.S. says Syria readying chemical weapons to use against its own people; Syria denies claim, says U.S. looking for excuse to intervene
Western powers are whipping up fears of a fateful move to the use of chemical weapons in Syria's civil war as a "pretext for intervention", President Bashar al-Assad's deputy foreign minister said on Thursday.
He spoke as Germany's cabinet approved stationing Patriot anti-missile batteries on Turkey's border with Syria, a step requiring deployment of NATO troops that Syria fears could permit imposition of a no-fly zone over its territory.
"Syria stresses again, for the tenth, the hundredth time, that if we had such weapons, they would not be used against its people. We would not commit suicide," Faisal Maqdad said.
After that whopper the US Government told the world about Saddam's nuclear weapons, I think we should give Syria the benefit of the doubt!
A blurry shaky video of some planes that don't seem to have any markings is going to be all the "proof" the US needs to invade Syria. This is clearly a repeat of the "Saddam's WMDs" whopper used to trick Americans into war against Iraq, and now that the hired mercenary army has been bogged down for 18 months, the US Government is going to dust off that same lie to trick Americans into war with Syria, in the hopes Iran will get dragged into the conflict via the Syria-Iran mutual defense pact. But this may well backfire as the moment the US or Israel stages a false-flag chemical attack to blame on Syria, a political door opens to allow Iran to break that treaty over first use of chemical weapons, and stay at home.
John Bolton: Assad Ready to Use 'Ultimate Weapon' For 'Last Defense'
Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton says Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is preparing "his last defense" if reports are true that he has loaded sarin gas into bombs and his troops are awaiting orders from him to use them against opposition forces.
Bolton was one of the loudest voices screaming about Saddam's nuclear weapons as well.
Russia Accuses US of Exaggerating Syrian Chemical Weapons Threat
The Russian government on Tuesday claimed the West was knowingly overstating the threat from the Syrian regime's chemical weapons stockpiles
Russia Welcomes US Designation of Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria as Terrorist Organization
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov on Thursday said that the US inclusion of Jabhat al-Nusra group in its international terrorist groups list proves Washington's admission of the terrorist threats against Syria.
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