Show notes for today's broadcast are at the bottom of this post.
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Show notes re stories discussed during this broadcast, posted on RBN from
Connecticut School District on Lockdown Following Shooting
A Connecticut school district is on lockdown today following reports of an unconfirmed shooting at an elementary school.
"Due to reports of a shooting as yet unconfirmed, the district is taking preventive measures by putting all schools in lockdown until we ensure the safety of all students and staff," Newton Public School District secretary of superintendent Kathy June said in a statement.
State police are sending units to Newtown following reports of a shooting at an elementary school.
All public and private schools in the town are on lockdown
And again, as was the case in Portland, the shooter is conveniently dead and cannot answer questions. Like what medications he was on.
UPDATE: shooter is an adult.
Official story is a single shooter, with two handguns, fired 100 rounds, killed 20. Reports of additional shooters being ridiculed, although there is a report that an individual was taken away alive in handcuffs. This second suspect has now vanished from the official narrative.
Had just one teacher been carrying a gun, there would be only one dead person, the shooter himself.
Too bad it's a gun free zone!
Also a media free zone, media ordered to leave area! That's why the corporate coverage is of neighbors' reactions!
School had a high security system in which all exterior doors were locked and entry was via an electronically locked door only after showing ID over a video monitor system. So how did the shooter(s) get in? UPDATE: shooter was "connected" with the school, so we are back to the issue of prescription medications.
TV really pushing that anti-gun agenda! White House already saying time for gun control "soon"
This is an event designed to produce the maximum shock to serve an agenda. (Red Storm Rising) This is a government which just declared children to be legitimate targets of war. So why not kill a few for the war on the second amendment.
Media pushing this as worst school massacre in US history. As usual,m they are wrong, 38 died in the Bath School Massacre in 1927
China stabbing spree hurts 22 schoolchildren
A knife-wielding man injured 22 children and one adult outside a primary school in central China as students were arriving for classes Friday, police said, the latest in a series of periodic rampage attacks at Chinese schools and kindergartens.
"We must ban all knives ... for the children!" -- Official White Horse Souse
The point of this story is that guns don;t kill, crazy people (like the Joint Chiefs) do, and if they cannot get guns they will use other weapons, even baseball bats.
CONFIRMED: US Counterterrorism Agency Can Amass Data On Any Citizen
As of March 2012, the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) can copy and examine entire government databases to predict possible criminal behavior of any U.S. citizen, Julia Angwin of The Wall Street Journal reports.
Previously the agency didn't have the authority to keep data about unsuspected Americans or to analyze it for suspicious patterns of behavior.
The shooting at the Portland Mall shows the weakness of this idea that criminal behavior can be predicted. Up until the week before the incident, there were no indications of a problem. Then he went "numb", according to his friends, and a week later pulled the trigger. To me this looks like a clear case of adverse reaction to pharmaceuticals, but due to political pressure nobody is addressing this potential problem ... which means it won;t be on the list of indicators in this giant database ... which means the database cannot ever work.
Trials of the Knights Templar
The reason Friday the 13th is considered unlucky originated with the coordinated arrest of the Templars on Friday, October 13th, 1307. The motive for Philip IV's arrests was financial. Prior to the Templars, Christians, like Muslims, forbade usury as destructive of society. The Templars were able to obtain a Papal Dispensation allowing them to "rent" money, and soon all of Europe was plunged into unpayable debt to the Templars, who in the post-Crusade era had become the world's first international bankers. Philip solved the problem of manufactured unpayable debt by arresting the bankers, torturing them, then burning the survivors alive. Only in Scotland, Portugal, and possibly Switzerland did the Templars escape Philip's wrath.
I take a small pride in the Master Templar in our family wood pile, however in looking at how the private central banks have brought such pain and misery to the world today, I have come to think that maybe Philip IV had the right idea with that torture and burning alive thing.
Panetta signs order to deploy Patriot missiles, 400 troops to Turkey
The United States plans to deploy Patriot missile batteries and about 400 troops to Turkey following the announcement of a similar move by Germany.
US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has signed orders to authorize the plan, the New York Times reported on Friday.
Washington will provide two out of six Patriot missile batteries, while Germany and the Netherlands will each contribute two.
According to a US Defense Department official, it will take three weeks to ship and station the two batteries in Turkey.
On December 4, the NATO military alliance approved Ankara's request for the deployment of Patriot surface-to-air missiles along its border with Syria.
All the six Patriot batteries, which will be under NATO's command and control, are scheduled to be operational near the Turkey-Syria border by the end of January 2013.
Syrian National Coalition : Motley crew of treasonous exiles
By: malterwitty
The chemical weapons trick seems to have fizzled like a damp squib. So, now it's time for another illusion - the "worthy Syrian opposition"
Russia never changed position on Syria - Foreign Ministry
By: Ethan Allen and...
The morons in charge here in the U.S. are playing a very dangerous game.
With the Iskanders in stock and deployed I would bet that these"defensive" missiles will not be around too long if they fire on Syrian aircraft over Syria.
Russia has not changed its position on the crisis in Syria and the latest comments by the US State Department are a misinterpretation of the facts, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Aleksandr Lukashevich said during a media briefing in Moscow.
Lukashevich noted that the US State Department has been excessively enthusiastic about Russia "finally waking up and changing its position [on Syria]."
Veterans For Peace Opposes Military Intervention in Syria
By: malterwitty
Veterans For Peace urgently calls on the United States and NATO to cease all military activity in Syria, halt all U.S. and NATO shipments of weapons, and abandon all threats to further escalate the violence under which the people of Syria are suffering.
NATO troops and missiles should be withdrawn from Turkey and other surrounding nations. U.S. ships should exit the Mediterranean.
Veterans For Peace is an organization of veterans who draw upon their military experiences in working for the abolition of war. We have not entered into this work without consideration of many situations similar to the current one in Syria.
Peace negotiations, while very difficult, will be easier now, and will do more good now, than after greater violence. Those negotiations must come, and delaying them will cost many men, women, and children their lives.
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