Guns and Butter -- 2011 Nov 16 WE (corrected)
"Unpacking Mr. Global, Part Two" with Catherine Austin Fitts.
Collateral fraud in the housing market; the black budget; financing of a breakaway civilization; privatization of advanced technology; $12 trillion leveraged buyout of the country; a financial coup d'etat; debt used to re-engineer governance systems; Uruguay round of GATT; $4 trillion missing from the federal government; pension funds the biggest financier of federal government; blackmail of congress; private defense contractor control of databases.
When I uploaded this last week, I simply got sloppy and uploaded the wrong files even though I had the correct ones prepared and ready to go. Here is what should have been posted. Thanks to R and C for catching this error.
File host link:
Torrent cache links and magnet links all point to the correct set of files. Only the filehost link was messed up.
I have had some delays in getting to work on todays programs, but they're mostly over I hope. It is now a few minutes past 3:00 CST. I should have the first uploaded within about an hour. Sorry for any inconvenience.
The Peter Schiff Show -- 2011 Nov 14 MO
Today's guest is Betty Malone, owner of Sunrise Tree Farm in Oregon and member of the National Christmas Tree Association, on why the "Christmas Tree Tax" is a good idea.
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The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 Nov 14 MO
From the Infowars web site :: On the Monday, November 14 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the open bank and scientific dictatorship now coalescing in Europe as Goldman Sachs takes control of both Italy and the European Central Bank. The objective of the coup is to exploit the euro debt crisis as a vehicle through which to create a European federal superstate.
Alex also talks about the fact that the planet is being bombarded with chemicals from high-altitude spraying as part of numerous geoengineering programs conducted by U.S. government agencies and universities.
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Infowars Nightly News -- 2011 Nov 14 MO
It is now 7:07 p.m. CST and I've been trying to log in at since 6:58.
7:09 logged in, but (the nightly news show viewer page) will not load. Not a network problem here, every other site I try works fine, including
7:12 page loaded, show apparently has not started yet.
7:14 tried to reload page. After over two minutes of trying to connect, "connection with server reset" displayed. Hit reload again. Page finally loaded at 7:19. Show already in progress. This show is a bigger pain in the neck to do than any two others I work with.
This evening's guests: Jason Bermas and Jim Rogers. Run time for the audio 1:24:04.
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2011 Nov 14 MO
files separated at hour and half-hour breaks
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 56 kbps, 24 kHz
audio: 56 kbps, 24 kHz
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Unable to upload this torrent to The Pirate Bay
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 Nov 14 MO
Alan's links to stories discussed in this evening's show:
Police get Bigger Toys
London 2012 Olympics with Surface to Air Missiles if Necessary
St. Louis Cops Upset over Their DNA Being Collected
Only a Totalitarian New World Order can Save Us Now--Delingpole on Klein
Debt Collectors Been Watching Too Many Totalitarian Movies
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