What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2011 Nov 09 WE
files separated at hour and half-hour breaks
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 56 kbps, 24 kHz
audio: 56 kbps, 24 kHz
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Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 Nov 09 WE
Alan's links to stories discussed in this evening's show:
Legalized Corruption Runs All Through Congress---Must Watch
Controlled Canned Media
US Prepares Domestic Internet Censorship while Urging Internet Freedom For Rest of World
Walmart wants to be Your Doctor Too
Honey Wars Ain't so Sweet
Justice Breyer Warns of Orwellian Government
Population Hysteria--Relax
Germany's Economic Colonisation of Europe
US--Dual Citizenship, Israel or Jerusalem
Iran Demonized in Preparation of Attack--Same old Formula
The 1% are Wealth Destroyers
China's State Broadcaster to Open US Studio
Mobile Prison Watchtowers at Walmart
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The Keiser Report No. 208, with Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert -- 2011 Nov 10 TH
This time Max and Stacy discuss European gold wars and the brokers at the Chicago Board of Trade telling others to get a job while they can't even do the one job they have.
In the second half of the show, Max Keiser interviews James G. Rickards about his new book - Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis.
The .mp3 in the torrent is audio extracted from the Russia Today video.
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The Peter Schiff Show -- 2011 Nov 10 TH
Tom Woods will be hosting today's show.
Tom's first guest is Dr. Steven Lantier, anesthesiologist and co-director of the Oklahoma Surgery Center, on how his facility is able to offer medical procedures far below market rates, and what the government can learn from their example.
The second guest is Pat Buchanan, MSNBC contributor and former Republican presidential candidate, on his new book, Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?
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The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 Nov 10 TH
From the Infowars web site :: On the Thursday, November 10 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Greg Palast, the New York Times-bestselling author and a freelance journalist for the British Broadcasting Corporation as well as the British newspaper The Observer. Palast will talk about the Occupy Wall Street movement, the government's addiction to GPS tracking, and other related issues.
Alex also talks with East Texas peace officer Eddie Craig in-studio. Craig has stated that Texas police do not have authority to write citations unless a city is above the population limit of 50,000 or if a county is above 200,000 residents.
Alex also covers the latest breaking news on Iran and the economy as the European Union begins its fatal descent.
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Infowars Nightly News -- 2011 Nov 10 TH
This evening's webcast once again started right on time, and ran for 1:05:54. Interview guest was (in-studio) former Texas law enforcement officer, Eddie Craig.
No Agenda -- episode 355, "Flying Antenna" -- 2011 Nov 10 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary. TOPICS: King Obama, Penn State Pedobear, Nukes, Shut Up Slaves!, United States of EUROpe, Elite$, OWS, Ministry of Truth, Gitmo Nation, Vaccine$, Haiti, Drone Nation... and much more.
For links to the various stories discussed in this podcast, go to http://355.nashownotes.com/shownotes/na35520111110Shownotes
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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2011 Nov 10 TH
files separated at hour and half-hour breaks
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 56 kbps, 24 kHz
audio: 56 kbps, 24 kHz
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Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 Nov 10 TH
Alan's links to stories discussed in this evening's show:
300,000 Flu Doses Withdrawn in alert of "Side-Effects"
Gardasil Victims Take Legal Action
Army vet and Wife Driven to Suicide by Poverty
Future Cannon-Fodder Get Their Indoctrination from Their Masters (video game trainer preview)
Remains of US War Dead "Thrown in the Trash"
Penn State's Jerry Sandusky Rumoured to have been Pimping Out Young Boys to Rich Donors
Oil Executive--Military-Style Psy-Ops Experience applied
Canada--New Omnibus Crime Bill--Marijuana Growers to face More Jail Time than Child Rapists
Teaching Monkeys the Concept of Money
25,000 Older People Died in their Homes Last Year Because they Could Not Afford to Heat Themselves
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