Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 Sep 21 WE
Alan's links to stories discussed in this evening's show:
Obama Does Not Commit Re-election Suicide at UN over Palestinian Question
OnStar Spying for Profit
Times Atlas Caught yet Again--Omits Maldives for Emotional Response of it Sinking Under Water (Which it Has Not) to "Reflect Things that Would Probably Happen in the Future"
Occupation 101
New Organ "Harvesting" Rules
IBM --"Leading through Systemic Change"
IBM Think Forum on Smarter Planet and Business Leadership Qualities--New York
IBM CEO Sam Palmisano w/Errol Morris on Business Leadership Qualities
Australia--Professor Henry Ergas on Carbon Tax (Audio)
The Green Agenda
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The Schiff Report -- 2011 Sep 21 WE
The latest entry in Peter Schiff's video blog: Operation Twist Will Really Hurt
Guns and Butter -- 2011 Sep 21 WE
Sure enough, information regarding yesterday's broadcast did not appear on the KPFA web site until today.
"Demolition Access to the World Trade Center Towers," with Kevin Ryan.
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The Keiser Report No. 187, with Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert -- 2011 Sep 22 TH
This time Max and Stacy discuss Vince Cable's "economic equivalent of war." They also notice politicians talking tanks and scapegoats for Greece and Christine Lagarde, the "junta-bot", meeting with other unelected officials. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Reggie Middleton.
The .mp3 in the torrent is audio extracted from the Russia Today video.
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The Peter Schiff Show -- 2011 Sep 22 TH
Today's guest Dr. Raymond Lombra, Professor of Economics and Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies at Penn State University, on what (if anything) the President or Fed can do to help boost economic activity and job creation.
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The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 Sep 22 TH
From the Infowars web site :: On the Thursday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Michigan attorney Kurt Haskell, who brings us up to date on the latest developments in the underwear bomber trial. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab plans to represent himself during the trial and this "will leave the relevant facts of this case unknown for generations" and obscure government complicity in the event, according to Haskell.
Alex also covers the latest news as the debt crisis spreads and mega-banks have their credit ratings downgraded.
Peter Schiff makes an appearance and covers the latest moves by the Fed.
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No Agenda -- episode 341, "Selling the Monet" -- 2011 Sep 22 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary. TOPICS: Drone Nation, United States of EUROpe, Gitmo Nation, Ministry of Truth, Arab Spring, Shadow Puppet Theater, Military-Industrial Complex, Vaccines, Bank$ters... and much more.
For links to the various stories discussed in this podcast, go to
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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2011 Sep 22 TH
files separated at hour and half-hour breaks
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 48 kbps, 44.1 kHz Torrent cache links:--
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Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 Sep 22 TH
Alan's links to stories discussed in this evening's show:
IBM Meeting NY--Palmisano on Corporations' Impact on World
IBM Meeting NY---International Corporations and NGOs Working Together to Create Everyone's Future
--Short Videos from Think Forum
--More Short Videos from Think Forum
IBM Boosts Commitment to Africa
IBM Smarter Planet
Maine Lost 10,000 Jobs to China over 10yrs.
Emergency Exercise for Denver Metro Area Colorado Sept. 23
By 2020 Sky will be Full of Carbon (and if Not Cleaned Will Fall)
Climate Craziness of the Week
Bread and Circuses Move Down a Notch--Cage Fighting for Adult Entertainment--Using Children
When Vaccine-Response Antibodies Attack Your Own Body
Trans-Pacific Partnership Pact--NAFTA on Steroids
More on Trans-Pacific Partnership
Call for US of Europe--Again
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Infowars Nightly News -- 2011 Sep 22 TH
From the Infowars web site regarding this evening's web cast :: On the Thursday edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones interviews Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the dangers of Gardasil, a topic that has found its way into the spotlight following Rep. Michele Bachmann’s comment that Big Pharma’s HPV vaccine is dangerous.
Alex also interviews award-winning actor and political activist Ed Asner on 9/11 and Building 7. Asner is now bravely treading dangerous, career-busting waters with questions about the demolition of the building not hit by a supposedly hijacker-commandeered aircraft on September 11, 2001.
In our Man On the Street segment, Infowars correspondent Darrin McBreen talks with folks in downtown Austin, Texas, about the NFL’s newly implemented and DHS instigated grope-down procedures at football stadiums across the country. [This guy and his segments give me hives.]
Additional items of tonight’s show: the crumbling economy and tumbling stock markets as the privately-owned Federal Reserve rolls out QE3 under the cover of bond manipulation.
Also covered tonight is British PM David Cameron’s call for more “humanitarian interventions” where regimes either resist the dictates of the globalists or adopt policies contrary to their quest for world domination.
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