The Truth About Markets: UK with Max Keiser & Stacy Herbert -- Sep 03 SA
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On the Edge with Max Keiser -- Sep 02 FR
In this edition of On the Edge, Max interviews Paul Craig Roberts, Economist and author. He talks about the current state of the US and World economies, the current illegal wars being supported by the Obama administration, the fraud of the US and world markets and how we are spiraling into an inflationary depression.
The .mp3 in the torrent is extracted audio from the Press TV video. You can watch the video here:
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The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 Sep 04 SU
The 2 hour Sunday show is typically a review of the past week's news and a look forward to the coming week's events. The Infowars web site describes today's broadcast as follows.
On this Labor Day weekend Edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Texas Representative and presidential front-runner, Ron Paul. Additional guests include Gibson Guitar Chairman and CEO Henry Juszkiewicz, who talks about the federal raid on his business, and also rapper Prodigy of the duo Mobb Deep and U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel and intelligence officer Anthony Shaffer, author of Operation Dark Heart, the Pentagon censored memoir that details intelligence operations in Afghanistan.
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The Keiser Report No. 179, with Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert -- 2011 Sep 03 SA
This is the inaugural episode of the new, Saturday edition of The Keiser Report.
This time Max and Stacy discuss stiffing the dead in Illinois and reviving the carry trade in Iceland.
In the second half of the show Max talks to Mike Maloney of about how high gold would have to go to account for all the money printing since Bernanke took over the Fed.
The .mp3 in the torrent is audio extracted from the Russia Today video.
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No Agenda -- episode 336, "Tesla Dome" -- 2011 Sep 04 SU
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary. TOPICS: Arab $pring, Vaccines, Libya, Israel, Techno Experts, Ministry of Truth, Bank$ters, Shut Up Slave!, Gitmo Nation, EQ Machines, Codex, Monsanto... and much more.
For links to the various stories discussed in this podcast, go to
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